OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: USB Wifi

The content of this topic has been archived on 24 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I've got an Asus WL-500GD that I've been running for a while now, but one of the things that I'd originally wanted to do was add a second radio to it... recently I heard that Kamikaze had (among all the other vast improvements over my old WR4) support for RT2500/2570 USB wifi adapters. Grabbed myself an Asus WL-167G, which I understand is supposed to based on this chipset, and after several other annoying problems with Kamikaze finally got things all set, up and running with the appropriate modules, but the driver doesn't seem to pickup the USB adapter. Dmesg tells me that it sees a new device connected, but it simply reports:
usb.c: USB device 4 (vend/prod 0xb05/0x1723) is not claimed by any active driver.

and does little else. I'm kind of at a loss.. shouldn't this work? The only other thing I can think is that for some reason it's based on a different chip or isn't being identified properly, but that seems unusual. Also, I noticed that ralink has Linux drivers directly, so why is the Makefile pointing at a sourceforge loation?...

Any thoughts/ideas?


On X86 hardware (e.g. the Alix board) and a 2.6.24 Kernel I got RT73 (USB) working in at least routed client-mode. But it was lots of manual work.

Still need some time until Linux sorted out and fixed the wireless stuff...

(Last edited by forum2008 on 16 Mar 2008, 10:59)

Did you have to do lots of work in order to just get the device detected, or to make it actually work the way you wanted it to? I'm stuck with 2.4 due to the broadcom wifi issue, but I'd certainly appreciate any information you've got about those "manual steps" you had to take.

I wrote some notes what I did here. It may be not complete.

And yes. The Broadcom platform still isn't updated to .24 yet...

(Last edited by forum2008 on 16 Mar 2008, 18:12)

The discussion might have continued from here.