I own a iptv box which it is possible to get to play from a lan source if it is tricked by getting a dhcp response from a certain ip and false dns records.

What I want to do is getting dnsmasq to act as a dhcp server for the ip the box wants dhcp response from.

I got this far: (the box also needs gateway set to

#set ip

#specify the gateway
#specify dns
#set private flag
#server identifier flag
#seems we cannot set this because then the server wont listen anymore =/

#tag the box

The box accepts the dhcp offer and sends a request, the problem is that the request is directed at the "fake ip".

Is there some way to get dnsmasq to listen to that address?

I'm thinking some sort of routing (and rewriting?) with ebtables or setting up a new interface. I tried a proxy forwarder but the problem is that it can't use the port at the same time as dnsmasq.

(Last edited by thomasa88 on 23 Mar 2008, 16:01)