OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: New target for Kamikaze trunk!

The content of this topic has been archived on 21 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hi there!
I finished porting last Kamikaze trunk to the StorLink Gemini platform. I added again kernel 2.6.15 support to OpenWRT to keep our vendor-specific kernel patches. Now, i'd like to release snapshots of binary firmware, packages and sources but i dont link putting them on an ftp server.

Is it possible to have these on official OpenWRT site?
Is it possible to integrate my patches on the Kamikaze trunk?

Thank you for your reply.

In OpenWrt, we would prefer not adding new targets based on obsolete kernels. Could you try to port it to a newer kernel version, either 2.6.23 or 2.6.24?
If you don't have the bandwidth for serving the files, just send them to me and I'll mirror them somewhere.
- Felix

i know that supporting older kernel is not nice, but i have no time to convert ugly vendor code to newer kernels.
but for how much time 2.6.23 will be kept and when discarded for a newer kernel?

The discussion might have continued from here.