OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Wrt54g V2.0 problem with the last snapshoot

The content of this topic has been archived on 31 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


I flash my new wrt54g v2.0 with the last experimental build and i have some problem :
when i plug the wrt the power led blink , and nothing more.
I can't ping with  ethernet cable plug in port 1 of the switch, no telnel no ssh , no failsafe mode coz the DMZ led not light on the boot startup....
i can see the DMZ led blink sometime during aprox 10 '' and nothing mode 

Any idea ?



(Last edited by fan on 15 May 2005, 16:20)

did you set "nvram boot_flag on" before you flash

if you did do this

get back to your pc
set your network settings to ip_address:

un power your router
now power your router
here is da thing, have your pen handy
as soon as DMZ Led flash hold the reset button on back of your router
now LED will flash like a copes car

telnet to your router and run command: fastboot

if not,
time to solder your JTAG


(Last edited by wirelessjoe on 15 May 2005, 18:35)

The discussion might have continued from here.