OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Linux on the WRT54GX2, I can help....

The content of this topic has been archived on 1 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Well, I've acquired a Linksys WRT54GX2, and the only thing I don't want on it is the stock firmware. I'd really, really like openwrt on here.

Some specs for those that are interested:
RTL8651B processor
32megabits ROM - unsure of ram amount
Airgo AGN102BB wireless card

So, since there doesn't seem to be any progress here on this device, I figure I'd offer to help - though I must warn you, my only embedded experience is in developing Poly-p-ux, a linux distribution for 3, 4, and 586's. But I digress...

Anyway, the first thing I thought I'd do was try to get a serial console going to see bootloader messages - this board has a nice serail header (the same one as the WRT54GXv2 (a different board), operating at 3.3v. However, I don't have any sort of converting device for voltage - so I only connected TX -> RX, RX -> TX and GND -> GND. Running microcom on my old 486 or 586 (my newest box has no serial port, and my other box is using its serial port), I get a bunch of junk data, though it seems to be following a pattern that suggests that it's outputting something.

Do I need a voltage converter, or is what I'm doing correct (and another, possibly software setting is wrong)?

What else can I do to help the efforts to get linux on this fine router?

poly-p man

RTL8651B processor

There's some work on this in places around the web, check (netgear) under, I think, KWGR614, or something like that. Though it uses a non-free gcc because of the lexra instruction set...

Airgo AGN102BB

the agnx project is developing a driver for this chipset, it can use all the help it can get.


The discussion might have continued from here.