I haven't been able to get this thing to respond properly after flashing with April 23 experimental or the 20050202 obsolete snapshot. Can't ping it, can't telnet or SSH, and nothing responds on port 80.
When it's first flashed, it tries to reboot, but the DMZ light never lights up, so I don't think it was making it through its firstboot stages. After waiting 10 minutes to be sure it wasn't doing anything, I unplugged it, waited a few, and plugged it back in.. This time, the power light blinked irregularly for a little while, and then went solid. The lan light I'm plugged into blinks with network activity. WLAN light is off. The DMZ light lights during bootup as it should and shuts back off.
I tried the exerimental build found at http://openwrt.inf.fh-brs.de/~nbd/gcc34/ because it supposedly had some tweaks to make it more v1.1 friendly, but had the same results.
The only thing that makes it behave like expected is Satori 4. It seems to work perfectly with Satori.
So is there something I'm missing? What's in openwrt that makes my v1.1 router hang? does somebody have an OpenWRT build that they are using on their G v1.1 right now? experimental or stable? I'd love to try it!