OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Best value hardware that supports openwrt and mini PCI cards

The content of this topic has been archived on 31 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

What is the best value hardware that supports openwrt? We are looking for at least 2 mini PCI interfaces, POE and largeish memory. We have for 4 Pronghorn cards in use at the moment, however the cost of these cards plus the other accessories and mini PCI cards makes each AP quite an expensive option. We have tried CM9, but found that the power output is just not enough. We are currently experimenting this weekend with Ubiquiti XR2.
We have not had any experience with ALIX or other SBC.
Our plan is to build a mesh network that will initially cover an area of 5 square miles of urban.

I like the pringhorns and they seem stable, just want to know if there is a less expensive alternative. What are other people using?


Regarding the eBOX-2300SX, can anyone point to an openWRT installation how-to or other recommended resources to get openWRT up and running on this platform?

Mikrotik RB411 - $49.

The Ubiquity router-station really rocks,
it has 3 mini-pci, 3 lan, usb, poe, 16MB flash, 64MB ram and a MIPS 24K 680MHz processor. All the additional connectors like GPIO, serial and JTAG have labels on the board to be easily identified :-) . It is the one their web GUI contest is based on ( However the 'political' surroundings might develop it's a nice piece of hardware.
Mine came preloaded with OpenWRT r13658, without web interface; everything works out of the box except the second lan port, I just began to search for a suitable switch-configuration.

The only thing that keeps me from buying the routerstation is the lack of enclosure.  Does anyone know of any enclosure that can house this board?

The aforementioned lan issue turned out to be a hardware bug, self-soldering instructions will be on the way :-) . As I understood it's not vlan capable.

There are many enclosures out there, some may become expensive to ship because of their weight.
This one … cts_id/256 is very nice and heavy, it is even hf-sealed and is prepared for some more N-connectors.

That one … cts_id/248 is a lighter model, slightly lousy somehow, with built in 5GHz-antenna.

You may even use a plastic box intended for outdoor electric cabeling (IP55 or higher) and find a separate mast-mount for it at your preferred sat-shop.


I've recompiled OpenWrt 10.03 software for eBox-2300 and eBox-2300sx.
Firmware configured to boot from CF-card, but should work from HDD too.
Firmware files and readme you can found at

Hi. I recomend taking a look at

I have some PC Engines WRAP.2E if you are interested...with aluminum enclosures. I have 29 of them. 233mhz (266 capable with jumper swap), 64MB ram, dual minipci slot. Pulled from a college that was using them for mesh.

The discussion might have continued from here.