OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Reflashed OpenWRT

The content of this topic has been archived on 25 Feb 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


I wanted to start from clean on my WRT so I reflashed it via TFTP with OpenWRT the same version that I was running before. I noticed that after doing so the filesystem was the same as before with the packages and settings the same. Howcome my filesystem was not replaced with the reflash of the firmware ?

I spoke to Rodent and he said I should try a "mtd erase OpenWrt" I tried this and it looked like it worked but the files in certain directorys such as /etc/init.d/ are the real files not symlinks anymore. Also when I try change my password with passwd it tells me I cant as there is a problem with some file.

Any help would be appriciated thanks

Erasing the flash is one part.. Resetting the filesystem on the jffs partition is separate. Just run 'firstboot' again.

More specifics here:

Look for #2

Thanks for the prompt reply jeff thats exactly what I was looking for it fixed up my prob.

Any idea why firstboot did not run after I flashed my wrt ?

(Last edited by Setsquare on 18 May 2005, 15:25)

firstboot only runs if it can't find a valid jffs file system, and a good thing too.

When upgrading, the jffs already exists so firstboot doesn't run.

Thanks for the info frogzoo, I presume the Original linksys firmware does not use jffs2 filesystem then.


The discussion might have continued from here.