OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: ruined my WGT634U

The content of this topic has been archived on 13 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I did something stupid. After I installed sshd I found out that netmasq was not functioning correctly (web pages where not resolved anymore). So I restored the original firmware via CFE. However it still did not resolve correctly, so I was looking for command to reset the nvram. Since a WRT54G has something like a nvram, I was looking for something simular in the WGT634U so I run (stupid) setup at CFE. No the whole thing does not boot anymore. Here is a dump of CFE:

Build Date: Tue Feb 24 03:21:41 CST 2004 (root@jackylinux)                                                          
Copyright (C) 2000,2001,2002 Broadcom Corporation.                                                  

Add MAC client version(DNI).                            
Initializing Arena.                   
Initializing Devices.                     
et0: Broadcom BCM47xx 10/100 Mbps Ethernet Controller                                                     
CPU type 0x29007: 200MHz                        
Total memory: 0x2000000 bytes (32MB)                                    

Total memory used by CFE:  0x81BB1280 - 0x82000000 (4517248)                                                            
Initialized Data:          0x81BB1280 - 0x81BB3E90 (11280)                      
BSS Area:                  0x81BB3E90 - 0x81BB45D0 (1856)
Local Heap:                0x81BB45D0 - 0x81FB45D0 (4194304)
Stack Area:                0x81FB45D0 - 0x81FB65D0 (8192)
Text (code) segment:       0x81FB65E0 - 0x81FFFFB0 (301520)
Boot area (physical):      0x01B70000 - 0x01BB0000
Relocation Factor:         I:E23B65E0 - D:01BB0280

configure vlans
*********************** VLAN Driver initial  ********************
Process LAN port(2-5) vlan Architecture...
SUCCESS: trying to create VLAN 0 for switch
SUCCESS: trying to add LAN port

Process WAN port(2-5) vlan Architecture...
SUCCESS: trying to create VLAN 0 for switch
SUCCESS: trying to add WAN port
SUCCESS: enable ports  success
configure vlans...done
Device eth0:  hwaddr 00-09-5B-F8-5A-13, ipaddr, mask
        gateway, nameserver, domain Belkin
No device name specified.
Variable Name        Value
-------------------- --------------------------------------------------
BOOT_CONSOLE         uart1
boardtype            bcm95365r
et0mdcport           0
et0phyaddr           254
configvlan           0x1
et0macaddr           00-09-5b-f8-5a-13
et1macaddr           00-09-5b-f8-5a-14
kernel_args          console=ttyS1,115200 root=/dev/ram0 init=linuxrc rw syst_si
STARTUP              ifconfig eth0 -auto; boot -fs=raw flash0.os
CFE_VERSION          1.0.34
NET_DEVICE           eth0
NET_DOMAIN           Belkin
*** command status = 0

What to do?

OK I solved my problem, at least partly. I had to use "boot -elf flash0.os" instead.

The box now boots again, only just before it arrives at the login screen,  garbage is output on the screen. After I log-in and do a dmesg I see:

Out of Memory: Killed process 1174 (dnsmasq)
Out of Memory: Killed process 1189 (inetd)

Is it possible to reset the content of nvram? (it does not work from the webpage)

Nice talking to myself wink
I solved my problem. It seemed the rp-pppoe package was causing the problems. I just renamed the package, so it would not be loaded:

mount -t jffs2 /mnt/mtdblock3 /mnt/tmpmnt

Now I was able to do the firmware upgrade, which formats the mtdblock3. After firmware upgrade everything is working again.

Well, it's nice to read you talking to yourself. We learn something in the mean time.. wink

I've seem to have my router stuck in a bootloop. It cant be the firmware cause I used it previously and it worked fine. Building firmware from buildroot or using the snapshots and netgear's original firmware produces the same output.  I've tried zeroing all 59 sectors of the flash before flashing, or uploading the new firmware and filling the remainder with zeros, to no avail. Any ideas?

CFE version 1.0.34 for BCM95365R (32bit,SP,LE)                                                 
Build Date: Tue Feb 24 03:21:41 CST 2004 (root@jackylinux)                                     
Copyright (C) 2000,2001,2002 Broadcom Corporation.                                             
Add MAC client version(DNI).                                                                   
Initializing Arena.                                                                            
Initializing Devices.                                                                          
et0: Broadcom BCM47xx 10/100 Mbps Ethernet Controller                                          
CPU type 0x29007: 200MHz                                                                       
Total memory: 0x2000000 bytes (32MB)                                                           
Total memory used by CFE:  0x81BB1280 - 0x82000000 (4517248)                                   
Initialized Data:          0x81BB1280 - 0x81BB3E90 (11280)                                     
BSS Area:                  0x81BB3E90 - 0x81BB45D0 (1856)                                      
Local Heap:                0x81BB45D0 - 0x81FB45D0 (4194304)                                   
Stack Area:                0x81FB45D0 - 0x81FB65D0 (8192)                                      
Text (code) segment:       0x81FB65E0 - 0x81FFFFB0 (301520)                                    
Boot area (physical):      0x01B70000 - 0x01BB0000                                             
Relocation Factor:         I:E23B65E0 - D:01BB0280                                             
configure vlans                                                                                
*********************** VLAN Driver initial  ********************                              
Process LAN port(2-5) vlan Architecture...                                                     
SUCCESS: trying to create VLAN 0 for switch                                                    
SUCCESS: trying to add LAN port                                                                
Process WAN port(2-5) vlan Architecture...                                                     
SUCCESS: trying to create VLAN 0 for switch                                                    
SUCCESS: trying to add WAN port                                                                
SUCCESS: enable ports  success                                                                 
configure vlans...done                                                                         
Loader:elf Filesys:raw Dev:flash0.os File: Options:(null)                                      
****  MAC Client V1.0  ****                                                                    
et0macaddr value :flag =0 value=00-0f-b5-0b-30-72                                              
et1macaddr value :flag =0 value=00-0f-b5-0b-30-73                                              
MAC exist at least one                                                                         
system ethernet mac exist and not default....                                                  
Skip mac client process.....                                                                   
Loading: 0x80500000/1219961 0x80629d79/35015 0x80632640/24 Entry at 0x80500000                 
Starting program at 0x80500000                                                                 
**Exception 32: EPC=80500038, Cause=00000028, VAddr=00000000                                   
                RA=81FB73D8, PRID=00029007                                                     
        0  ($00) = 00000000     AT ($01) = 00000000                                            
        v0 ($02) = 00000000     v1 ($03) = 00000003                                            
        a0 ($04) = 80632640     a1 ($05) = 80632640                                            
        a2 ($06) = 81FB7490     a3 ($07) = 43464531                                            
        t0 ($08) = 80500000     t1 ($09) = E23B65E0                                            
        t2 ($10) = 10000179     t3 ($11) = 00000001                                            
        t4 ($12) = 81FC66D4     t5 ($13) = 00000000                                            
        t6 ($14) = 00000000     t7 ($15) = 00000000                                            
        s0 ($16) = 81FB73C8     s1 ($17) = 80500000                                            
        s2 ($18) = FFFD96F0     s3 ($19) = 81FD6710                                            
        s4 ($20) = 81BB45B0     s5 ($21) = 81FB6358                                            
        s6 ($22) = 81FCE640     s7 ($23) = 81BB7A58                                            
        t8 ($24) = 02000000     t9 ($25) = E23B65E0                                            
        k0 ($26) = 00000000     k1 ($27) = 00000000                                            
        gp ($28) = 81BB9280     sp ($29) = 807FFFFC                                            
        fp ($30) = FFFF7E4C     ra ($31) = 81FB73D8

I've seen very similar symptoms on about 3-4 units out of about 150-200. They seem to work fine, then they start developing intermittent problems when booting. Eventually the problem becomes persistent and there's no way of fixing it, even with reflashing. I suspect that the problem causes faults when reading/writing data from/to memory, which in turn causes these crashes. I would suggest that you try these steps:

a) Open up the unit and look for overheating components. Try to cool them to see if it helps.
b) Replace the power supply. A good 12V 2A regulated switchmode is a good choice - a car battery would also do.
c) Inspect the unit for faulty / bloated / blown electrolytic capacitors.

I'm guessing its a hardware fault, anyway I brought it back to netgear and had it exchanged. Everything works fine now smile

Yes, there seems to be a LOT of power supply issues on the WGT634U.  Many stock non-switching (heavy "wall-wart" style) seem to have bad electrolytics and produce lots of 60hz ripple.

I've also seen them running very high and overheating the internal buck regulators on the WGT634U board.

The moral of the story is; if you are having weird flakyness or stange lock-ups, first thing to do is swap out the external power supply with a known-good unit. (preferably a switch-mode)  If your problem goes away, then take a hammer and destroy that POS wall-wart! smile

has aptos been able to resolve his problem ?
I'm encountering the same one. either i get an exception or it freezes.
tried with different power supply (my last try and only chance is my 12V 10A power supply)

how surprising, it doesn't change anything. I now understand why this peace of shit is not sold anymore.
fucking waste of money

the piece of crap boots from tftp but not from flash0.os ...

it does start with original netgear firmware.
btw there's a new beta netgear firmware.

the weird thing is:
Skip mac client process.....
Loading: 0x80001000/3732 Entry at 0x80001000
i guess there's something wrong with this.
has anybody an idea ?

The discussion might have continued from here.