Is there an easy way to flush the ARP table on the openwrt firmware. the arp command only lists the table and does not seem to have any options for flushing. The ap in client mode gets stuck on one particular mac address for its hosts IP address. I have two Access points that I am switching between untill I can get some other Routing issues worked out. Thanks
Topic: Flushing ARP table
The content of this topic has been archived on 5 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.
In my experience, arp on OpenWRT is just an alias to 'cat /proc/net/arp'. I'd like a way to flush the cache too, for diagnostic purposes. I wonder if taking the interface down and up flushes the cache of all entries that use that interface... I can't test this now but it might work... ?
Normally; "downing" the interface and "uping" it should work, and if done quickly, won't close connections. On my laptop, it flushes the arp table.
If you have ip installed, you might alternatively try the command
ip neigh flush dev br0
(replace br0 by appropriate interface)
// Steve
The discussion might have continued from here.