Hi Guys,
now i have crashed (?) my Router .... im reall upsed but it was probably my own fault.
I tried to bring the router in the wds mode, like the one page shows a head and this was the problem.
I deleted the telnet and the firewall init script to root folder and restarted my router ... only whats happens is that the router blinks like a cop car. normaly i would say. now im not able to login to the shell (set the pw so it moves to ssh) and im not able to ping my router.
WLAN does not give any ipaddresses and the lan Port i even cant ping it on.
has anyone any suggestions????
I would be apreciated if so.
PS: i did the failover like described ... breaked the routers seal and didnt found the pins ... so im really ... upsed
(Last edited by fgro on 2 Jun 2005, 03:20)