OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Freeradius experimental modules.

The content of this topic has been archived on 30 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


i've managed to put in a WRT54G the Chillispot and freeradius having freeradius using an external mysql database.
But i need now the 'rlm_sqlcounter' module for freeradius, so i can extend my accounting data.
Does anyone have this module? Or how can i get it.
I've tried building a buildroot for the ipkg packages, but it doesn't create the rlm_sqlcounter module after compiling the freeradius package. And even after i've add --with-experimental-modules to the rules file.

Any help is good!


Changes were committed last night to build the "sqlcounter" module too.

I've put updated modules needed for a freeradius installation here.


(Last edited by Nico on 2 Jun 2005, 15:09)


Thank you.

The discussion might have continued from here.