OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Ubiquiti Powerstation and Nanostation LED control

The content of this topic has been archived on 20 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Does anyone know how to control the LEDs of the ubiquiti powerstation and nanostation (i have a PS2 and an NS2). i mean is there a /proc file or kernel module which can do so? or does any1 have a kernel patch to do the same. my ultimate aim is that i have to write a script which shows the strength on the signal meter. i m a pretty advanced linux user, so i dont mind a really technical documentation. please just give me some guidance or starting point. coz rite now i dont even know where to start, which gpio pins / hardware address to use if i must make a kernel module?

ok, i think this shud do it. this was described on the following site: … edirect=no
this is probably specific to the nano.

i have not had a chance to verify this, since i dont have a nano as i write this. the site above is in french, so i will take the main gist and translate it for u.

the first prerequisite is that u must have gpioctl package installed.

The four leds are assigned to pins 0, 1, 3 and 4 (the order of leds is red, yellow, green, green) of the on-chip gpio.

gpioctl command syntax is as follows:
gpioctl <operation> <pin>

the operations can be set, clear and get.
set turns the pin on, clear turns the pin off and get fetches the current status of the pin.

so to turn on the red led, u can do
gpioctl set 0

to turn the yellow led off, u can do
gpioctl clear 1

to see if the first green led is on, u can do
gpioctl get 3

hari_1983 wrote:

Does anyone know how to control the LEDs of the ubiquiti powerstation and nanostation (i have a PS2 and an NS2). i mean is there a /proc file or kernel module which can do so? or does any1 have a kernel patch to do the same. my ultimate aim is that i have to write a script which shows the strength on the signal meter. i m a pretty advanced linux user, so i dont mind a really technical documentation. please just give me some guidance or starting point. coz rite now i dont even know where to start, which gpio pins / hardware address to use if i must make a kernel module?


did you have success to create your script "my ultimate aim is that i have to write a script which shows the strength on the signal meter"

I work with ubiquity products and I'm very interested to it



The discussion might have continued from here.