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Topic: make world or make????all for making an me

The content of this topic has been archived on 27 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

hmmm can i ask u a question
if i already choose a package for x86 generic ext2
so later i can dd it to image
if i already downloading all the required package
if i already make
where the image would be located
and its the right command using make to build an image?
help me

Did it print a lot of status messages and not get any errors?

If it was successful, all the files you need should be in "bin".
If they aren't there you can do a "find . -name '*.squashfs' or '*vmlinuz*'

sorry.....i dont know it posted.
it make 4 images
x86 2.6 images
x86 2.6 fs
x86 2.6vmlinuz
286 2.6images.kernel
which one should i choose??

I was thinking of a directory listing something along the lines of the downloadable images:
and yeah I would think you either want the "openwrt-x86-2.6-ext2.image" or else you want the vmlinuz and ext2 files.

I have never tried it on X86, but some pages reference this:
which seems to go into detail on a lot of things like installing it onto a compact flash card

well i dont want to install it to its better use ext2
i want to install it to hardisk
soekris is for pc??
i dont know
so i use generic
hmm maybe i will use openwrt.image rather than vmlinuz
vm linuz is for vmware or wat??
still not get it

Can you explain in more detail the setup you want?  You have said you are using it on a x86 with a harddisk?  Is this a desktop machine?  Because if so, I am not sure that openwrt is necessarily what you want.  However maybe other people on the forums will have a different answer.

As to the vmlinuz... that is actually the name of the kernel executable itself.  The history behind the name (from wikipedia) is old unix systems were in /unix, then they were loaded into virtual memory so called /vmunix... Then linux took that name and called itself /vmlinux.  The compressed version of a vmlinux is called "vmlinuz", (z meaning zipped or compressed).

The way most desktop linux installations work is that there is a boot partition and a root partition.  The root partition contains all of the files, and the boot partition contains the kernel and possibly a few other files.  There is also a bootloader that runs in the "boot sector" or a partition or harddisk.

In the case of openwrt, no extra configuration is needed, and so generally the kernel itself is used as a partition, and the bootloader just jumps to that partition directly.  Generally, openwrt is used on embedded platforms.  And the way it supports them is by having compressed filesystems.  jffs/squashfs are good for flash-based and ext2 is good for disk-based.

The linux "file" command will tell you the filetype of any given file that it knows about... so you can run it on each file to see what it says.

I'm not sure since I have not looked much through the documentation, but I have a feeling that openwrt.image is the entire partition table included, where you can dd it directly to a disk and get a pre-configured partition table, bootloader, kernel and rootfs at once.  vmlinuz is the kernel image, which can be by itself on the disk or installed with grub.  The page I linked you to talks a lot about different methods of installation.

However, MAKE SURE you know what you are doing when installing it with dd... and that's why I wanted to know what your intent is when installing openwrt.  If you just dd it onto a hard disk, it will OVERWRITE the partition table, and probably the superblock of any data partition on there, which will basically cause you to lose all data on your disk.  I'm assuming that is what you want.
dd will not warn you if you dd to the wrong disk or partition.  So make sure you are using a disk which has no useful data.

There was a section on network boot (called PXE), and that might be a good idea to try out.

first sorry my english is not to good
my main reason is to use open wrt at x86 hardisk based on goal is to change mikrotik to openwrt.its because microtic is not free
now u get my point
which one should i choose if i want to use dd
this is the progress when I DD it

hi...i am using dd to flash my x86 to my hdc
and it goes like this
can u help me
looks like its not copyng data from image to my hdc
[root@krismanto image]# dd if=openwrt-x86-2.6-ext2.image of=/dev/hdc
41903+0 records in
41903+0 records out
its okay because I dd it to secondary hardisk thats useless
but...when i boot to the second hardisk
looks like the image isnt copy to secondary hardisk
so i ask u guys
which images should i use?
x86 2.6 images
x86 2.6 fs
x86 2.6vmlinuz
286 2.6images.kernel
or its my syntax at dd its failure?
u get my point or no?
if it still failure
i want to try using phsydiskwrite at windows
but i want to do it at linux

The discussion might have continued from here.