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Topic: Kamikaze firmware upgrade/downgrade

The content of this topic has been archived on 21 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I was wondering how to do a firmware upgrade/downgrade in kamikaze, I have the basic 2.4 kernel on a wr850g. ssh access only no web, yet...


I read those, the problem is they metion a web interface or others going from motorola firmware to openwrt. I need to know how to do it in kamikaze(SSH), I was able to do it in whiterussian very easy.

Did you read section 5. Loading Firmware?
Seems pretty cut and dry to me....and by that I mean NO Motorola header required when using the mtd upgrade method (webif or CLI, shouldn't matter).  This would suggest a standard Kamikaze .trx image should work, after all it's a Broadcom chipset.

Make sure boot_wait is enabled before attempting anything.

(Last edited by KillaB on 30 Oct 2008, 01:02)

5.3. Loading from OpenWrt

Use the web interface. Go to System and Firmware Upgrade. Browse for the new firmware and click upgrade.

I have no web interface, do i need one to do this?, where do i get it? I am new to this so I do not know the various commands to do to get it to do much, I am using putty.

I have gone through 2 firmware and boot wait has always been on since i set it.


mtd -r write firmware.trx linux
how do i send it the "firmware.trx" file?
again I am new so I am lost, thank you for your help.


You can either login with ssh and fetch the trx file with wget:

ssh root@router; cd /tmp; wget; mtd -r write image.trx linux

... or scp a local image to the device:

scp ./some/image.trx root@router:/tmp; ssh root@router; cd /tmp; mtd -r write image.trx linux

~ JoW

Here are few methods.
Remember to always copy to /tmp (ie. RAM)

From Windows, use WinSCP

From Linux, use scp:

scp openwrt-brcm-2.4-squashfs.trx root@

From within the OpenWrt CLI itself:

cd /tmp
wget http://yoursever/openwrt-brcm-2.4-squashfs.trx

Then you can run the mtd command.

Thanks jow,

You snuck in before I could finish.

using scp it says it cant find the file
i did wget and and it could not find it.
is there a gui available?
tftp doesnt work either
Also, i can not access any settings, it says "permission denied" for everything (dhcp/internet/etc)

(Last edited by xiii on 31 Oct 2008, 23:49)

The discussion might have continued from here.