Well, to close the discussion, I found a way how to get it to work:
- keys must be DSA
- the ~/.ssh directory has to be chmod 700
- authorized_keys and authorized_keys2 must be present
- the key files must be chmod 600
the ~/.ssh directory may be a symlink, as well as the key files, so what I did was
[precreate id_dsa and id_dsa.pub by ssh-keygen -t dsa and copy id_dsa.pub to the OpenWRT box]
mkdir /etc/.ssh
chmod 700 /etc/.ssh
cp id_dsa.pub /etc/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 600 /etc/.ssh/authorized_keys
ln -s /etc/.ssh/authorized_keys /etc/.ssh/authorized_keys2
echo -e "#!/bin/sh\n\nln -s /etc/.ssh /tmp/.ssh">/etc/init.d/S55sshpubkeyfix
chmod 755 /etc/init.d/S55sshpubkeyfix