I try to get root access to an old sonicwall tele3 box, still without luck. So I thought I write down the tools I needed to analyze the firmware, perhaps we could collect some interesting infos...

Interesting docs:
http://www.nruns.com/_downloads/23C3-Fu … alysis.pdf

Reverse Engineering of Embedded Devices
http://events.ccc.de/congress/2007/Fahr … 66.en.html

Exploiting Embedded Systems, Blackhat 2006 (Barnaby Jack)
http://www.blackhat.com/presentations/b … 6-Jack.pdf

Hacking Embedded Linux Based Home Appliances (Alexander Sirotkin)

analyzer tools
FIIN - Firmware Inspector

uwfirmforce -

I tried to analyze the fw file, without success.. FIN and uwfirmforce didnt found a positive match. I also dont know WHAT os is actually running on this box. there are some clear text filenames in the firmware, but thats all i found..

There is an serial port onboard (connected to the uart#1 on the cpu), but there is just a stupid mini menu with very limited possibilities (reboot, enable webgui, status...).

I'm looking for more hints, how to hack this little beast...