OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: compiling nocat with URL redirect

The content of this topic has been archived on 20 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Does anyone know what to put in the nocatsplash makefile to make it redirect to a page off the internet?

it's something like outside redirect or not?

OK answered my own is   --with-remote-splash

has anyone successfully used nocat with this option?

i have also been trying to get this to work. i tried both the nocatsplash 0.92 that comes with the white russian release and the 0.93pre2 ipk from sderle (, but both don't seem to work with remote url splash. i am sure the ipk from sderle is compiled with the '--with-remote-splash' option. i've configured the appropiate options in /etc/nocat.conf, but when i run splashd it always says it got the static splash page and when testing it will serve the static splash.

the reason i want to have a remote splash is because i want the splash page to contain some haserl code and the static splash doesn't seem to work with that. i thought i'd redirect to the httpd that runs on openwrt itself and have that serve the splash page.

if someone could enlighten me, i'd appreciate it. i must be doing something wrong coz i can't find much info on this and i don't think i am the only one wanting to use this function. so it's probably not broken or i'd see more people asking questions about it.

The discussion might have continued from here.