I'm using WhiteRussian RC2 SquashFS on a WL500g. I seem to be able to get it to go into Failsafe mode - I can see the PWR led flashing, and I can ping the router on it's LAN_IPADDR ( address. I can't ping it on (I set my PCs interface to and I can't telnet into it. I've port-scanned it and there are no ports open - nmap reports all ports filtered.
I can't ping any IP address on the physical WAN port - but I had it unconfigured anyway. I had the radio in client mode and it still seems to be in client mode when in failsafe mode because I can't see it pop up as an AP in a wireless network scan.
I can't get into the WL500g because I foobar'd the /etc/init.d/S50dnsmasq file.
I put
args="-d -l /tmp/dhcp.leases -K -F $(int2ip $start),$(int2ip $end),$(int2ip $netmask),12h 2>&2 >/dev/null &"
in it instead of the usual args line. I was trying to fix the dnsmasq bug described here and obviously got my shell things mixed up. So now all the init files after S50dnsmasq won't run at boot - meaning S50dropbear doesn't get executed.
But in Failsafe mode, the router should ignore my edited file and use the one in /rom/etc/init.d/ shouldn't it? And telnet should be enabled, right?
I'd rather not have to reflash the firmware if I don't have to, but right now it seems that failsafe mode has failed me. Any suggestions?