I have 2 linksys routers, a WRT54G and a WRT54GS. I built and flashed the openwrt binary for the WRT54G router and everything worked fine. Now, I'm trying to flash the other router (GS), and tftp keeps telling me that I have an invalid password:
[sam@localhost build_30062004]$ ls
openwrt-g-code.bin openwrt-gs-code.bin
[sam@localhost build_30062004]$ tftp
tftp> binary
tftp> trace
Packet tracing on.
tftp> rexmt
(value) 1
tftp> put openwrt-gs-code.bin
sent WRQ <file=openwrt-gs-code.bin, mode=octet>
sent WRQ <file=openwrt-gs-code.bin, mode=octet>
sent WRQ <file=openwrt-gs-code.bin, mode=octet>
sent WRQ <file=openwrt-gs-code.bin, mode=octet>
sent WRQ <file=openwrt-gs-code.bin, mode=octet>
sent WRQ <file=openwrt-gs-code.bin, mode=octet>
sent WRQ <file=openwrt-gs-code.bin, mode=octet>
sent WRQ <file=openwrt-gs-code.bin, mode=octet>
sent WRQ <file=openwrt-gs-code.bin, mode=octet>
sent WRQ <file=openwrt-gs-code.bin, mode=octet>
received ERROR <code=100, msg=Invalid Password !!>
Error code 100: Invalid Password !!
Now everything has been done according to what's written on the FAQ (boot_wait is on, I plug the router in after the put command has been sent) and I did exactly the same with my WRT54G (successfully). I even went back to firmare v2.06.1 to make sure linksys had not put some kind of password protection.
Note that I changed the IP of that router for
Anybody has another way of flashing openwrt on the GS router?