OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: WE800G reboot fail

The content of this topic has been archived on 20 Feb 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I have a Motorola WE800G (revision 1) that I decided to put openwrt onto. The web based install went fine, I did include boot_wait. I then telneted into the device ( and proceeded to follow the recommended changes to the NVRAM variables for routed client mode)
  nvram set lan_ifnames="eth1"
  nvram set lan_ifname=br0
  nvram set wifi_ifname=eth2
  nvram set wl0_ssid="MY_AP"
  nvram set wl0_mode=sta
  nvram commit

It seemed to hang up on the reboot so after having waited about half a minute I pulled the plug for 12 seconds and reapplied power. The power light turns on now, the wireless turns on as well, and about 12 seconds later the power light starts flickering in red, until the power led goes out but the wireless stays on as green. I can not seem to recover from this.

I then found the section in the install guide under failsafe and notes that I read before but had forgotten about that says "The "reboot" command will not reboot the device and the device will remain in a zombie state." So at this point I have been unable to boot into the failsafe mode, connect to it in anyway, or observe it in a meaningful way. The only conclusions I have been able to reach is; A. It's possible the Linksys WRT54GR that is providing the wireless to the house is conflicting on the IP address of, although that is address I telneted to earlier. B. I might needed to crack it open and build a serial interface for it, (needs UART), C. It's a brick and I'm an idiot.

Any advice or help would be appreciated.

i have done a similar thing trying to figure out how to make this cable and what does it hook up to i only have usb ports on my computer

The discussion might have continued from here.