I have LinksysWRT54GS v.1.0. There is OpenWrt loaded and working but I do not have admin/pass nor any other setup info so I can not configure (router is a gift). I nedd to load original firmware.
I have static address, half duplex 10Mb setup.
When I connect it to power PWR led flashing for 3s (DMZ=off) then PWR is dim and DMS=on, after app. 40s DMZ=off , WLAN and PWR dim. 3s before DMZ is going off PWR flashes for 3 seconds. (Port 1 led is on. During process all 4port leds blink once or twice)
Router is not pingable( – first it returns Host not reachable then (after app. 1 minute) TimeOut
When I connect it to power while reset button pressed on and hold for 2-3s it behaves in the same way.
When I connect it to power while reset button pressed it behaves differently.
PWR led flashes for 3s DMZ=off ;
then PWR=ON, DMZ=ON;
after 4s all port led blink twice - 1 short and 1 long – (2sec. ) blinks; port 1 stays ON
at this moment I release reset button; DMZ is ON
after another 7sec DMZ goes OFF; PWR,WLAN =ON and port 1 led blinking (ping)
Ping is runing (1ms and TTL=64). WXP shows connected. OperWRT gives „No webpages currently available“ message. Ping starts app 2 s after DMZ goes OFF.
I tried many times at different time to tftp binary firmware but no success. TimeOut error meassage.
(tftp –i PUT "binaryfilename".bin)
And think that timing to start tftp is crucial but I do not know when the best time is. Or is there anything else I overlooked? Any suggestion appriciated.