OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Noob of all Noob questions

The content of this topic has been archived on 13 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hi everyone am very new to the openwrt world and kinder looking for some idea. I just finished modding my wrt56g with the openwrt firmware, I don’t have a really idea on what I want to do with it yet or the software I can install on it. So he is where my question comes to play... what kind of software can i install , if I get a few names I can research them and find out what they do, give me a better idea of what i want to do. so far I already have snort.

thank in advances

you can put roombacomm on it and use it to control a roomba wireless!! ha

"opkg list" will give you a good list of what you can install on your router with a single command. My favorites are openvpn and asterisk! But you can also do a jabber server, mail server, bittorrent, etc. Almost anything you can do with a normal linux server you can do with openwrt, it is very powerful.

Wrong sub-forum....

The discussion might have continued from here.