WARNING: Operating at 2.3 GHz is probably illegal in your area.
NOTE: I haven't tested if the device actually transmits at 2.3 GHz. I am not responsible for destroyed hardware from using this patch.
For 8.09.1 only. First check if /proc/sys/dev/wifi0/regdomain is 0. Open ath_hal.ko in a hex editor, then change the following values:
000246BE: 14 -> 18
000246BF: 05 -> 0A
000246CF: 05 -> 0A
md5sum of the module after patching is 37bc079dc4404544f8927250e65b6d08
Replace the module, reboot then execute: cat 511 > /proc/sys/dev/wifi0/countrycode
I used http://svn.freebsd.org/viewvc/base/proj … iew=markup as a guide to locate the offsets ath_hal.ko. The patch changes chan11b and chan11g of the DEBUG_REG_DMN regdomain (see static REG_DOMAIN regDomains[]).