(RESOLVED July 29)
using Fedora Core 4 environment.
Tried RC2 but that build fails on flash2root not being found in base-files-arch (reported before by somebody else early July, but unclear whether resolved).
Now tried HEAD but compiler protests against conflicting definitions of static vs. non-static 'target_endian' in ffs2-user.h vs. flash_eraseall.c.
Any suggestion how to correct this ? Should declaration in ffs2-user.h be copied to flash_eraseall.c ?
Help much appreciated, doddel

make a fresh toolchain on basis of latest HEAD. To save download time preserve files in ./dl and put them back after new CVS checkout.
The error messages also disappeared after changing the class declaration in the .h file from static to extern, but resulting code did not work; but this may have been caused by other issues in some packages I selected. In any case a fresh start did work fine and produced working WRT54G code)

(Last edited by doddel on 30 Jul 2005, 12:46)