OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: uMurmur - a minimalistic Mumble server

The content of this topic has been archived on 29 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I was looking for a voicechat server to run on my OpenWRT router but couldn't find anyone. TeamSpeak and Ventrilo are proprietary, but I found Mumble which is open source so it seemed like a good start. The server part wasn't yet ported and I learned that it uses a lot of RAM and has a dependency on Qt-core that wasn't ported. It also has too much functionality for my personal needs.

I was contemplating porting Qt-core, but I pretty much suck at C++, compared to my C skills at least, so instead I wrote a new Mumble-server in C with a subset of the functions of Murmur, which is the name of the Mumble server.

Source and a precompiled mipsel package for 8.09 is available, all on the Google code project page :

Hope someone, more than me, finds this useful smile

Version 0.2.1 is released. Now supports 1.2.x versions of Mumble clients plus a bunch of other new features. Check out the project page.

Awesome project, running fine on my RS Pro

Works. NICE! Thank you!  I also wrote a howto:

Could you help with configuration and administration!

Howto connect as admin? Howto allow users into a channel and others not. Bla

Also, if you want to share some information about the polarssl library you utilized: … .libraries

This is only for links, if you should want to write more about it, please use:

But I hope the project provides it's own documentation and we do not have to bother with that as well. Should be enough to link to it.

BTW: will there be a debian port? You know, so more people can use and test it.

(Last edited by Orca on 25 Feb 2011, 19:50)

Orca wrote:

Works. NICE! Thank you!  I also wrote a howto:

Could you help with configuration and administration!

Howto connect as admin? Howto allow users into a channel and others not. Bla

Good that you like it. It's updated to v0.2.6 in the package repo about a week ago:
It is not possible to connect as Admin or set user privileges with uMurmur since the ACL system of Murmur is not implemented. I have no current plans to add it unless someone contributes some code.

Nice with a Wiki page! I'll contribute to it.

Orca wrote:

Also, if you want to share some information about the polarssl library you utilized: … .libraries

This is only for links, if you should want to write more about it, please use:

But I hope the project provides it's own documentation and we do not have to bother with that as well. Should be enough to link to it.

BTW: will there be a debian port? You know, so more people can use and test it.

I'll look into adding some basic info about PolarsSSL. I don't know if there'll be a Debian port. It depends on if someone feels the urge to add it. The only port I really care about is OpenWRT smile

fatbob, uMurmurd[4012]: INFO: uMurmur version 0.2.5 protocol version 1.2.0 uMurmurd[4012]: INFO: Visit
daemon.warn uMurmurd[4012]: WARN: SSL handshake failed: -38912

When I tried , I failed with the above message. Both .crt and  .key are present
Compiled with PolarSSL library

ratbug wrote:

fatbob, uMurmurd[4012]: INFO: uMurmur version 0.2.5 protocol version 1.2.0 uMurmurd[4012]: INFO: Visit
daemon.warn uMurmurd[4012]: WARN: SSL handshake failed: -38912

When I tried , I failed with the above message. Both .crt and  .key are present
Compiled with PolarSSL library

Strange, Been running a uMurmur server with PolarSSL every day for over a year on different platforms (mips, mipsel, arm, x86_64) and have never seen this error.

Which version of the Mumble client are you running? Which OpenWRT release? Any other relevant info you can think of? Could you try to connect without the crt and key files? This will use a built-in key and cert.


I apologized. I was using the wrong client.
I am on Openwrt (backfire) r20728, arm platform.
Now I am doing a test locally (mumble client version 1.1.8 on ubuntu) , I have a different message:

WARN: Too big message received (151060484 bytes). Playing safe and disconnecting client 192.168.x.xx


Got it fixed. I upgraded my client to 1.2.0.
Thanks for your support

(Last edited by ratbug on 26 Feb 2011, 23:33)

Just a note that uMurmur version 0.2.10 has been released (quite a while ago actually, didn't think of updating this thread...). It is available in the trunk package repo. Now supports a password based admin user mechanism for kicking, banning, muting etc users. more info at

I am new to openwrt and I just started using umurmur, I switched from DD-WRT to openwrt so I could more easily get umurmur going. From what I have seen so far, .2.6 is the last premade package available form the repository. Is there a way to add a repository to my router/openwrt so I can get .2.10?

can anyone post package for new version 0.2.13 / ar71xx


please. i want to start using the new features!

stromeczech wrote:

can anyone post package for new version 0.2.13 / ar71xx

You should contact the OpenWRT's umurmur package maintainer to upgrade the package. Otherwise, the snapshots will contain the version on the package. Or, you can go to the #openwrt-devel IRC channel and beg one of the developers to update the umurmur package to the latest version.

Failing the above options and if you do build your own OpenWRT firmware, you can edit the feeds/packages/net/umurmur/Makefile file to replace the existing version with the version you want and compile it yourself.

mazilo wrote:
stromeczech wrote:

can anyone post package for new version 0.2.13 / ar71xx

You should contact the OpenWRT's umurmur package maintainer to upgrade the package. Otherwise, the snapshots will contain the version on the package. Or, you can go to the #openwrt-devel IRC channel and beg one of the developers to update the umurmur package to the latest version.

Failing the above options and if you do build your own OpenWRT firmware, you can edit the feeds/packages/net/umurmur/Makefile file to replace the existing version with the version you want and compile it yourself.

I sent a patch to the dev list mid-June ( … evel/19383) but nothing happened. Maybe I did something wrong... Now it seems to be resent by someone else ( Hopefully it will be updated soon.


The discussion might have continued from here.