I was looking for a voicechat server to run on my OpenWRT router but couldn't find anyone. TeamSpeak and Ventrilo are proprietary, but I found Mumble which is open source so it seemed like a good start. The server part wasn't yet ported and I learned that it uses a lot of RAM and has a dependency on Qt-core that wasn't ported. It also has too much functionality for my personal needs.
I was contemplating porting Qt-core, but I pretty much suck at C++, compared to my C skills at least, so instead I wrote a new Mumble-server in C with a subset of the functions of Murmur, which is the name of the Mumble server.
Source and a precompiled mipsel package for 8.09 is available, all on the Google code project page : http://code.google.com/p/umurmur/
Hope someone, more than me, finds this useful