Dear All.
I'd like to develop an architecture as described below.
I have a linux machine with two ethernet interface, eth1 for input, eth2 for output . many host could be linked with ethernet interface and the aim is to filter traffic and packets coming from some sources according with ip address (i.e. traffic coming form some sources will have greater priority than the others). is opssible using openqwrt? if YES how can I developed this architecture?
many thanks
Topic: filtering BY IP
The content of this topic has been archived on 7 Feb 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.
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It's all done with iptables. Get a good iptables book and go to town.
edit: obligatory "wrong forum" comment
(Last edited by aport on 18 Sep 2009, 00:03)
The discussion might have continued from here.
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