OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: CVS make menuconfig

The content of this topic has been archived on 9 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

OK I downloaded the latest linksys GPL tar ball and have compiled / flashed it to my router.
Now I want to try OpenWRT ... so I grabbed CVS and run Make Menuconfig but get heaps of errors.
Make fails.

What gives ... this is the first CVS I have seen with no source in it .. only make files etc.

Did you check that you have all required libraries and programs installed ?

(see README)

Well I can compile and even add apps to the linksys buildtree ... I have a Fedora 3 install with everything installed. Did I miss something .. err this doesnt need debian or something does it ? ;-)


You need ncurses development files (ncurses-devel on fc3 iirc) in order to make menuconfig.
Can you post your make errors here ?

SOLVED  ... dont get the CVS using a win32 client.

The discussion might have continued from here.