Hello i don't know if this is the right forum to ask in, but looking at the hardware hacking category
it feelt like it was more meant to modding the router. If i have posted my question in the wrong forum my misstake.
And i am sorry for making another thread regarding this router but i feelt it were needed
since that thread really did not cover that much how to do it with a CA-42 Cable.
Well lets get on to the first question regarding the flashing.
Today i got both my WRT160NL router and a Nokia CA-42 USB Cable. Once removing the Nokia Pop-Port but cutting it off we get 5 cables.
Yellow, red, blue, white and black as shown on the picture here http://img41.imageshack.us/img41/5904/ca42cables.png
I would really like to know which cables to use since i haven't found any consistent information during wich color does what.
This is the CA-42 cable i ordered http://www.mytrendyphone.se/shop/nokia- … 3871p.html
Second question is will this method work?
i am planning to use the CA-42 cables and put them on old hdd-led power-led connectors that do fit on serial pins on the router,
for a better explanation have a look here http://img41.imageshack.us/img41/4817/ideaj.png
I found this image on someones blog showing what each pin connector on the router does
http://nanl.de/blog/wp-content/wrt160nl.jpg Can anyone confirm if this information is correct?
if so then we just need to find out what wich cables are the correct ones from the CA-42 cable to put on those pins
Third question.
I am sorry for repeating CA-42 everytime,
but should i consider shortening the cable? ive heard people having issues if the cable is too long,
at this moment the cable is 108cm or 3.54 feet calculated with http://www.convertunits.com/from/cm/to/feet
Forth question.
From what i understand does the serial connectors on the router works at 3.3V and the USB works at 5V
Yet again i have heard sucessfull flashing through USB, but should i be worried?
And the final question
once the cables are connected to the serial and the USB port is plugged into the computer,
how do i reach the router? i found this guide http://www.cdaniel.de/?p=46
which is saying it's done via tftp, I've always thought the flashing were made different.
But to be able to access the tftp i beleive i have to be connected to the router's LAN port
I know it's a silly question probably obvious but i had to ask.
Sorry for my limited english, i hope that i could express myself in a clear way.