OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Help with "hybrid" router

The content of this topic has been archived on 11 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I have a Belkin F5D8230-4.  I replaced the Airgo Card with a Broadcom BCM94321MC.  This is a dual band mini-PCI card (can only use 1 band at a time).  So my hardware looks like this:

CPU - BCM4704@260mhz
Switch - Broadcom 5325
Radio - BCM4321

I can successfully flash and run DD-WRT every time.  No problems except that I can't use the 5 ghz band of the card.  This is because the Broadcom driver is not open source, although the binary is available.

So I decided to build a version of OpenWRT and install the kmod-brcm-wl-mimo.ipk which has the correct driver (for the 2.4 kernel).  I am not sure but it sounds like Kamikaze might already have support.

Anyway, I have tried flashing all of these versions of OpenWRT:

Kamikaze 8.09.2-RC2 openwrt-brcm-2.4-squashfs.trx 
Kamikaze 7.09 openwrt-brcm-2.4-squashfs.trx 
WhiteRussian  openwrt-brcm-2.4-squashfs.trx   

In all cases, the flash is successful but I cannot get any response to a ping on

I then flash back to DD-WRT and it works like a champ.

Before I go to the trouble of building OpenWRT, I wanted to get a version that *should* work going.

Just wondering if anyone has any ideas.



Hate to reply to myself, but . . .

I have tried for 2 days to flash with OpenWRT and failed, while successfully flashing DD-WRT repeatedly.  Well, I finally got WhiteRussian flashed.  And yes, I was stupid, once again taking something for granted.

I thought that I was being really careful, but just because I could flash various versions of the Belkin firmware and DD-WRT after clearing nvram with the reset button didn't mean that I could flash OpenWRT.  For every  OpenWRT flash, I have to flash to Belkin and then reload default settings from the Web interface.

Let that be a lesson to me.

Now I need to build my custom version.


Hey, I know this thread hasn't seen any posts in a long time but I have a question for rabinnh, or anybody for that matter.  I have the EXACT same setup, right down to the 3rd party BCM 4321 card.  Does the latest version (Backfire 10.03) work with this setup and how do you configure it?  Is there a web-interface to configure it or are we talking all command line stuff (total OpenWrt new person here, though I've used DD WRT in the past).

Thanks for your help.

The discussion might have continued from here.