have you tried this :
http://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/ … actory.bin
Bring the unit in tftp mode (press reset button for a few seconds after power up) and upload to file to
from linux console: tftp -m binary -v -c put openwrt-ar71xx-ubnt-bullet-m-squashfs-factory.bin
from dos console: tftp -i PUT openwrt-ar71xx-ubnt-bullet-m-squashfs-factory.bin
The Nanostation and Bullet Ms appear to use same CPU and memory amounts judging from the data sheets so the bullet-m image might work.
The unit may come up after flashing asking for an ip address to be assigned per dhcp and until given that may be not reachable for a telnet session.
Depends on the default network settings and whether the PoE ethernet interface is initialised as lan (static or wan (dhcp).
Can of course later be changed by changing //etc/config/network
(Last edited by doddel on 8 Feb 2010, 00:04)