OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Install OpenWRT on Ubiquiti Nanostation M2

The content of this topic has been archived on 4 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Has anyone managed to get openwrt on the brand new Nanostation m2 from Ubiquiti?  I am a complete newbie so I am not really sure where to start. 

I found the following page which explains how to do it on the original Nanostaion: … station-2/

Can anyone point me in the right direction please

Has anyone been able to get openwrt on this hardware?  Im losing hope...

have you tried this : … actory.bin

Bring the unit in tftp mode (press reset button for a few seconds after power up) and upload to file to
from linux console: tftp -m binary -v -c put openwrt-ar71xx-ubnt-bullet-m-squashfs-factory.bin
from dos console: tftp -i PUT openwrt-ar71xx-ubnt-bullet-m-squashfs-factory.bin

The Nanostation and Bullet Ms appear to use same CPU and memory amounts judging from the data sheets so the bullet-m image might work.

The unit may come up after flashing asking for an ip address to be assigned per dhcp and until given that may be not reachable for a telnet session.
Depends on the default network settings and whether the PoE ethernet interface is initialised as lan (static or wan (dhcp).
Can of course later be changed by changing //etc/config/network

(Last edited by doddel on 8 Feb 2010, 00:04)

Is there any progress of bringing Backfire to the Nanostation (Loco) M2 and M5? There's still no mention of it in the ToH. Thanks!

Edit: Oh, I just found openwrt-ar71xx-ubnt-nano-m-squashfs-factory.bin in the ar71xx download section. Is this image intended for both M2 and M5 as well as loco and non-loco Nanostations? Is it still experimental or is it stable (aside from general Backfire 10.03.1 RC3 issues)? Any caveats?

(Last edited by penkert on 14 Nov 2010, 16:05)

I'm using a custom image and works. Compiled for target ar7xxx with ath-9k wilreless driver enabled.

Are your Nanostation M2 device working ok? I have heard that some Nanostation devices have quite big performance penalty when using OpenWrt instead of AirOS. But I'm not sure that this includes also Nanostaion M2 Loco. So how are your Loco devices working?  Have you done any benchmarks?

valentt wrote:

Are your Nanostation M2 device working ok? I have heard that some Nanostation devices have quite big performance penalty when using OpenWrt instead of AirOS. But I'm not sure that this includes also Nanostaion M2 Loco. So how are your Loco devices working?  Have you done any benchmarks?

I never did any benchmarks. I believe there is a small performance penalty because you're losing ubiquiti's proprietary wireless protocols and going back to standards.

The discussion might have continued from here.