This is an announcement for a new project called MikroConf.
MikroConf is a command-line administration interface, similar to those
found in commercial routers. It glues together various embedded Linux
components (busybox, etc...) under a consistent and familiar (de-facto)
command-line interface.
With MikroConf you can do things like:
Router> en
Router# conf term
Router(config)# hostname OpenWRT
OpenWRT(config)# end
OpenWRT# write
OpenWRT# show run
Of course this is a very simple example. You can do much more
sophisticated configurations with MikroConf.
It is convenient and enjoyable to work with, even for the seasoned Linux
administrator due to a number of more-or-less unique to MikroConf features:
1. It supports (in a safe manner) in-line scripting in the Tcl
Programming Language. Regular configuration commands and Tcl commands
can be intertwined on the command prompt.
2. It supports an event-based/reactive configuration paradigm. Tcl
procedures can be registered to be invoked when certain events occur
(e.g. link up/down).
3. Automation of repeated tasks via parameterized macros (Tcl procs).
4. Command output can be captured, filtered, manipulated, emailed etc.
5. Usability features such as: ANSI terminal colors and highlights, full
screen editing of configuration, and others.
Of course, as expected by such an interface, it supports all the
standard command-line editing conveniences: in-help, command
abbreviations, command expansion, history substitutions, command-line
editing keys and others.
It is written in Tcl and C. It has a very clean and well-documented
design, which makes it particularly easy to extend with new
configuration modules. There is complete documentation on the framework,
design document, and a tutorial on how to write new modules in Tcl.
Users will find a Getting Started Guide and a command reference with
description on each supported command.
It comes with a patch that fully integrates it to OpenWRT's development
environment. Currently the patch is for r20079 svn revision of OpenWRT-dev sources.
Download with:
svn co -r 20079 svn://
And apply the patch that you will find in MikroConf's downloads section.
There are also ready-to-use VirtualBox & VMWare OpenWRT images that
you can try it out without going through the building phase.
Current configuration capabilities, with more are coming soon:
* Basic Commands and Services
* Low-level System/Kernel Configuration
* Firmware Operations
* Local and Remote File System Access and Maintenance
* Network and Host Troubleshooting and Communication Tools
* VTY Configuration
* Syslog and Logging
* Network Time Protocol Client Support
* Interface Configuration
* Basic IP Configuration (dhcp, static routing, etc.)
* Layer 2 Network Discovery
MikroConf is actively looking for developers to join in, among other roles.
It will soon be possible to contribute to MikroConf as a student, in the
context of Google Summer of Code 2010, having Tcl/Tk as the mentoring organization.
Main Web Page:
Screenshots: … _id=297197
Command Reference: … onf_Module
Help Wanted: … ow_to_help