OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Howto force kernel src to recompile once manual changes made?

The content of this topic has been archived on 14 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Sorry this is probably a far too basic question, but please help me get started.

I have configured and built my src tree and image files are created.  Now I decide I want to change a few things and go into the linux kernel src and edit some code.  Hitting make in the top level dir does not recompile the kernel tree though?  How do I trigger it to recompile?  Related question if I simply go into the kernel tree dir and hit make, will it use all the correct cross compiler stuff, or do I need to setup something in order for this to work?

Sorry, for the basic questions.  Grateful for any pointers though

TOPDIR=`pwd` make -C package/linux recompile

...gets the kernel rebuilt completely, but I was hoping for something less aggressive.

Seem to have achieved what I need now anyway

The discussion might have continued from here.