I want box can auto ssh to another linux server when the box boot.
so I add script in init.d.
ssh -i /etc/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key root@
but it not working.
erro log:
Dec 29 23:40:12 OpenWrt user.info sysinit: Host '' is not in the trusted hosts file.
Dec 29 23:40:12 OpenWrt user.info sysinit: (fingerprint md5 6e:d1:c6:e7:1c:12:72:e2:af:f6:af:46:21:e8:c3:9a)
Dec 29 23:40:12 OpenWrt user.info sysinit: Do you want to continue connecting? (y/n) ssh: connection to root@ exited: Didn't validate host key
when I run above command at root. it can work fine.