OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: OpenWRT on PC hardware

The content of this topic has been archived on 1 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Which download shoud I use for istallation on a diskless x86 system? I have a silent C3-500MHz system with 256 Mb RAM and 256 Mb Flashdisk. In fact this is a Wyse WinTerminal 9455. Should I use squash FS or jffs2 or ext2? It is not clear to me what image to use form all the images in the download section.
Egbert Jan

ah man, you got my hopes up. I thought your post was a "how to"

This is exactly what I want to do as well.

I'd love to see a detailed how to or tutorial on this. Everything here seems too technical for me. I'm so lost. <sigh>

(Last edited by Keypel on 30 Jul 2010, 04:20)

Wrong sub-forum for asking questions......

Well, I found out how to get a working OpenWRT on a Wyse Winterm (256/256Mb with C3 cpu). Maybe a start for Keypel? in general do this:
Get the x86 image for squash fs. Put this on a USB stick as is (.image). Boot the target HW with a live-CD. You will be able to mount the USB stick and the target disk (or Flashdisk in my case). Just 'dd' the image from USB stick to the target disk. Unmount disks and reboot. Presto!
It seems that all images run from RAM so there is no wear of flashdisk. Also upon first boot the remaildre of the target disk is formatted as jffs2 and made availabe as overlay. I guess that there additiona packages are installed.

Egbert Jan

I have a hard time understanding this. Would you be willing to explain from the very beginning as if you were taking to a small child?  I Googled a "Wyse Winterm", it's basically a x86 windows based mini computer right?

"Get the x86 image for squash fs" Which one? there are 3 of them:


"Put this on a USB stick as is (.image). "
How do you do this? Just copy and paste or something?

"Boot the target HW with a live-CD. You will be able to mount the USB stick and the target disk (or Flashdisk in my case). Just 'dd' the image from USB stick to the target disk. Unmount disks and reboot. Presto!"
I don't understand how to do this <sigh> What is the target disk, I thougt the target disk was the usb stick? I did a google search for "flashdisk" and it just shows a bunch of pictures of regular usb sticks.

I don't understand Linux at all, I can open a shell and copy and paste commands I find on the Internet but I don't understand what the commands are doing or why.

I just started using ubuntu last week.

(Last edited by Keypel on 30 Jul 2010, 16:20)

Hi again. I mean number two the .image.

Put it on USB stick: depends on the OS you are using for your download. I assume Windows for the moment. Use download in your browser and copy to usb stick. (the sick will show up as a drive shortly after you put it in a free usb connector). Essentially this is copy/paste indeed.

The goal is to get the .image fle copied to the bootdisk in your target. A live CD (like the Ubuntu Desktop CD but there are several others) is handy to boot an otherwize empty PC (like the Winterms I use). The target must be able to boot ftom CD (or usb-CD). As soon as you have a working (Linux) system you should be able to mount the USBstick and copy the .image file on the USB stick to the local disk. In linux you use 'dd' for that.
Another method would be to hook up the disk from your target system to the computer where you have the .image file. You have to use a IDE to USB thingy or open the computer and attach the disk to one of the IDE (or SATA) connectorts. If that computer is a Windows computer you need 'RawriteWin.exe' to copy the .image file to the target disk. Put it into the target computer, make it the bootdisk in the BIOS and you should be able to boot OpenWRT.
I must warn you that you might need some linux skills to run OpenWRT. Although it comes with a Web interface, some shell access might be neccessary... Have fun.
Egbert Jan

The discussion might have continued from here.