I too am interested in obtaining a copy of Piranha if it is available anywhere.
Topic: Atheros only! - Next Generation Piranha firmware (v4) + AAP (v3)
The content of this topic has been archived between 20 Aug 2015 and 21 Apr 2018. Unfortunately there are posts – most likely complete pages – missing.
The plot thickens. Seems like Seth7 also has disappeared ???
I thought the internet was "forever".
LOL not really.
Piranha now is completely unavailable.
I know I have it saved somewhere .... just not found yet.
Getting close .... about when were they last accessible ?
I can't remember ... it was an image for Fibers right? ...
A squash.bin and .lzma?
Iv found a couple saved files just not sure if its for the fin or much older WRT54G version ...
I just like to provide some insight into the recent happenings with Piranha/AAP, i.e. to end the confusion. First of all, heliohost.org terminated my free hosting account to unknown reasons without any warning in advance - I guess I missed to login too often to their forums/cpanel and CRUNCH BANG! I'm pretty sorry for that! It has never been my intention to take it offline. That said, I currently cannot afford the spare time to start the website from scratch. Also I'm not that sure when I will continue to work on Piranha/AAP as I simply lack the sufficient time to actually do so (it always has been VERY time consuming and there are other issues on the table very important to me personally). I too often have promised to continue improving the script and now I better say its future is unclear.
If your only problem with your particular device is an incompatibility with the underlying Backfire 10.03, you may just checkout a working revision from SVN, apply the AAP madwifi-patch (there are several copies around, e.g. at borgbox developers), introduce the script and you're ready to go - there isn't too much magic involved here. You just need to invest some time to come up with it.
All that said, I haven't declared Piranha/AAP (my "baby") dead for an indefinite amount of time but I cannot forecast when I'll again get to it. As I see, e.g. Seth7 has a backup of the latest version - may you please redistribute it in some sort to the rest of the community?
Have a good time everyone (until we hear/see us again),
Glad your ok ... darn ... now I gota verify that what I have is/was the last image .... ill have it loaded onto a fresh Fon ( getting close to one of my last) and if it ill post it.
News anyone ?
News anyone ?
Do you, or anyone else, have a webhost directory where I may upload the latest Piranha v4/AAP v3 to (via FTP)? I SHOULD have a copy of Piranha v4/AAP v3 on my old buildhost still. Please drop me a line (via PM) to provide FTP access or something. I'll see what I can do.
You can use a free service like megaupload or rapidshare etc. ? Or maybe on the openwrt servers. Otherwise, I do not have a FTP server right now sorry. Maybe somebody else ???
So, are you saying that this latest Piranha is based on a recent OpenWRT build so it might work on my microredboot EOC-2610P too ??? Or just the same old august 2010 version from last year ??
I don't ..
Do you, or anyone else, have a webhost directory where I may upload the latest Piranha v4/AAP v3 to (via FTP)?
Would it be possible for you to dump your latest Piranha v4/APP v3 firmware/docs to a free repository at either code.google.com or github.com and link it back to this thread? I believe this is really one of the only ways to preserve your work for the masses.
Just FYI, borgbox.com has gone the way of piranha.pwnz.org, and unfortunately google search cache is really the only way there is for recovering any of the borgbox documentation. Fortunately he used a github.com repository to save his firmware:
http://github.com/downloads/guinness1/b … elease.tgz
We all appreciate the hardwork that you've put into the Piranha firmware, hopefully we can preserve it... and we look forward to having you back in the near future.
orange wrote:Do you, or anyone else, have a webhost directory where I may upload the latest Piranha v4/AAP v3 to (via FTP)?
Would it be possible for you to dump your latest Piranha v4/APP v3 firmware/docs to a free repository at either code.google.com or github.com and link it back to this thread? I believe this is really one of the only ways to preserve your work for the masses.
Just FYI, borgbox.com has gone the way of piranha.pwnz.org, and unfortunately google search cache is really the only way there is for recovering any of the borgbox documentation. Fortunately he used a github.com repository to save his firmware:
http://github.com/downloads/guinness1/b … elease.tgzWe all appreciate the hardwork that you've put into the Piranha firmware, hopefully we can preserve it... and we look forward to having you back in the near future.
OK, I just thought a bit about a possible future of AAP/Piranha and here are my (intermediate) results/ideas ... There seem to be some interest in continuing the project and that's appreciated!
1. I'll no longer develop a stand-alone firmware "Piranha" but rather a so-to-speak "universal AAP" that should work upon default OpenWrt Backfire/Attitude Adjustment, if possible. I think this would be a win!win! for both the community and myself.
2. To achieve this, I'm going to get rid of the patched madwifi-ng/wlanconfig dependency and utilize "iwinfo" instead. Afaik, it provides "universal" scan results across the device spectrum and is thus usable with multiple chipsets (to be verified).
3. As a logical result, I'll distribute AAP (v4) as a standalone script (and maybe a setup routine) that anyone with a router/AP already running OpenWrt (Atheros, Broadcom, what not ...) may upload and use with their device.
4. I plan to use some public repository (github, google code, etc ...) to distribute the script and I'm going to provide a NEW support/documentation thread for AAP (v4) at OpenWrt forums. No more website maintenance.
5. I certainly will try to adress issues discussed here over the last year with the further development of AAP (v4). Maybe I'll even change the name of the script while doing all these changes in order to get rid of AutoAP comparisons (suggestions welcome) ... In the end, AAP has NOTHING, maybe VERY little, to do with AutoAP for dd-wrt.
6. Due to all these plans/ideas, I don't feel the urgent need to (re-)distribute AAP v3 and/or Piranha v4. Let me know if you feel different. I would need to wake my old build server and "he" is currently rather "unaccessible", i.e. dead!
All that said, I won't promise any ETA (I actually can't even do this due to the current life situation) as this (1 to 6) requires both a rather comprehensive re-write of the current AAP as well as some chitchat with appropriate developers, especially jow (in order to get sufficient info about iwinfo capabilities).
Last but not least, I'm curious what you think about these thoughts/ideas ... Just my current 0.02$.
OK, good news! I took the time to slightly (very slightly actually) modify AAP v3 100813 to work (with one minor restriction) with default OpenWrt Backfire up to 10.03.1-rc5.
To make it very clear: This is "only" a slightly modified AAP v3 100813 and not the previously announced new AAP v4 (yet), but it's usable outside Piranha v4! The said restriction is that you can only connect to SSIDs with 14 characters at maximum (this restriction is due to the missing madwifi-ng patch with default OpenWrt Backfire). This modified AAP v3 100813 will ONLY work with Atheros devices running madwifi-ng drivers, Attitude Adjustment is thus not supported. See this offer as a quick fix in order to again distribute AAP to the community until AAP v4 is out the door.
So far the foreword ...
scp the following script to your device filesytem at /bin/aap and "chmod +x" it
aap_uci() {
rm -f /tmp/aap_hlst3 /tmp/aap_mlst3 /tmp/aap_wlst3
uci show aap | awk '/^aap.@aap/ {print substr($0,13)}' | awk NR!=1 > /tmp/aap_vtmp
aap_autostart=`awk '/^autostart=/ {print substr($0,11)}' /tmp/aap_vtmp`
if [ `grep -c "^/bin/aap start" /etc/rc.local` != "0" ] && [ $aap_autostart -eq 0 ]; then
awk '!/^\/bin\/aap start/' /etc/rc.local > /tmp/aap_autostart
cp /tmp/aap_autostart /etc/rc.local
if [ `grep -c "^/bin/aap start" /etc/rc.local` = "0" ] && [ $aap_autostart -eq 1 ]; then
awk '!/^exit 0/' /etc/rc.local > /tmp/aap_autostart
echo -e "/bin/aap start\nexit 0" >> /tmp/aap_autostart
cp /tmp/aap_autostart /etc/rc.local
aap_checkfreq=`awk '/^checkfreq=/ {print substr($0,11)}' /tmp/aap_vtmp`
aap_dhcptimeout=`awk '/^dhcptimeout=/ {print substr($0,13)}' /tmp/aap_vtmp`
aap_ineturl=`awk '/^ineturl=/ {print substr($0,9)}' /tmp/aap_vtmp`
aap_logenable=`awk '/^logenable=/ {print substr($0,11)}' /tmp/aap_vtmp`
aap_prefonly=`awk '/^prefonly=/ {print substr($0,10)}' /tmp/aap_vtmp`
aap_rescandelay2=`awk '/^rescandelay=/ {print substr($0,13)}' /tmp/aap_vtmp`
aap_warndelay=`awk '/^warndelay=/ {print substr($0,11)}' /tmp/aap_vtmp`
aap_watchinet=`awk '/^watchinet=/ {print substr($0,11)}' /tmp/aap_vtmp`
uci show aap | awk 'substr($0,27) ~ /^blst=1$/ {print substr($0,6,17)}' > /tmp/aap_blst
uci show aap | awk 'substr($0,27) ~ /^ssid=/ {print substr($0,6,17)}' > /tmp/aap_hlst2
aap_hlst2=`awk '{printf("%s\t", $0)}' /tmp/aap_hlst2`
aap_hcount=`wc -l < /tmp/aap_hlst2`
while [ $a -le $aap_hcount ]; do
aap_hlst=`echo "$aap_hlst2" | awk -F"$(printf '\t')" -v a="$a" '{print $a}'`
uci get aap.@$aap_hlst[0].ssid >> /tmp/aap_hlst3
uci show aap | awk 'substr($0,27) ~ /^fakemac=/ {print substr($0,6,17)}' > /tmp/aap_mlst2
aap_mlst2=`awk '{printf("%s\t", $0)}' /tmp/aap_mlst2`
aap_mcount=`wc -l < /tmp/aap_mlst2`
while [ $b -le $aap_mcount ]; do
aap_mlst=`echo "$aap_mlst2" | awk -F"$(printf '\t')" -v b="$b" '{print $b}'`
uci get aap.@$aap_mlst[0].fakemac >> /tmp/aap_mlst3
uci show aap | awk 'substr($0,27) ~ /^key=/ {print substr($0,6,17)}' > /tmp/aap_wlst2
aap_wlst2=`awk '{printf("%s\t", $0)}' /tmp/aap_wlst2`
aap_wcount=`wc -l < /tmp/aap_wlst2`
while [ $c -le $aap_wcount ]; do
aap_wlst=`echo "$aap_wlst2" | awk -F"$(printf '\t')" -v c="$c" '{print $c}'`
uci get aap.@$aap_wlst[0].key >> /tmp/aap_wlst3
awk -v OFS="$(printf '\t')" 'NR==FNR{v[FNR]=$0;next} {print v[FNR],$0}' /tmp/aap_hlst2 /tmp/aap_hlst3 | awk -F"$(printf '\t')" '{if($2 !~ /^ *$/) print $0}' > /tmp/aap_hlst
awk -v OFS="$(printf '\t')" 'NR==FNR{w[FNR]=$0;next} {print w[FNR],$0}' /tmp/aap_mlst2 /tmp/aap_mlst3 | awk -F"$(printf '\t')" '{if($2 !~ /^ *$/) print $0}' > /tmp/aap_mlst
awk -v OFS="$(printf '\t')" 'NR==FNR{y[FNR]=$0;next} {print y[FNR],$0}' /tmp/aap_wlst2 /tmp/aap_wlst3 | grep -ivf /tmp/aap_blst > /tmp/aap_wlst
aap_scan() {
rm -f /tmp/aap_rlst2
wlanconfig ath0 list scan | awk 'NR!=1' | awk -v tab="$(printf '\t')" '{gsub(/ +/,tab)}1' | awk -F"$(printf '\t')" 'BEGIN{OFS=" "}{gsub(" "," ",$4);gsub(" "," ",$5);gsub(" "," ",$6);gsub(" "," ",$7);print}' | awk -F" " -v OFS="$(printf '\t')" '{split($5,snr,":");print snr[1],$1,$2,$3,$7,$8}' | awk -F"$(printf '\t')" -v OFS="$(printf '\t')" '{if($6=="RSN") enc="psk2";else if($6=="WPA") enc="psk";else if($5~/P/) enc="wep";else if($5!~/P/) enc="none";print $1,$2,$3,$4,enc}' > /tmp/aap_slst
awk -F "$(printf '\t')" -v OFS="$(printf '\t')" 'NR==FNR{x[tolower($1)]=$2;next}{if(x[$3]) print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,x[$3]}' /tmp/aap_wlst /tmp/aap_slst | grep -ivf /tmp/aap_blst > /tmp/aap_rlst2
if [ $aap_prefonly -eq 0 ]; then
awk -F"$(printf '\t')" '$NF == "none"' /tmp/aap_slst | grep -ivf /tmp/aap_blst >> /tmp/aap_rlst2
sort -nrt"$(printf '\t')" -k1 /tmp/aap_rlst2 | uniq > /tmp/aap_rlst
aap_apcount=`wc -l < /tmp/aap_rlst`
aap_varupdate() {
rm -f /tmp/aap_htmp
channel=`awk -F"$(printf '\t')" '{printf("%i\t", $4)}' /tmp/aap_rlst`
ssid=`awk -F"$(printf '\t')" '{printf("%s\t", $2)}' /tmp/aap_rlst`
bssid=`awk -F"$(printf '\t')" '{printf("%s\t", $3)}' /tmp/aap_rlst`
encryption=`awk -F"$(printf '\t')" '{printf("%s\t", $5)}' /tmp/aap_rlst`
key=`awk -F"$(printf '\t')" '{printf("%s\t", $6)}' /tmp/aap_rlst`
while [ $k -le $aap_apcount ]; do
ssid2=`echo "$ssid" | awk -F"$(printf '\t')" -v k="$k" '{print $k}'`
if [ -z "$ssid2" ] || [ "$(echo "$ssid2" | grep -c ^0x0*)" -ne 0 ]; then
# if [ -z "$ssid2" ] || [ "$(echo "$ssid2" | grep -c ^0x0*$)" -ne 0 ]; then
echo $hidden >> /tmp/aap_htmp
hidden2=`awk '{printf("%i\t",$0)}' /tmp/aap_htmp`
aap_counter() {
echo "0" > /tmp/aap_ctmp
while [ $aap_count -lt $aap_rescandelay ]; do
sleep 5
echo $aap_count > /tmp/aap_ctmp
aap_check() {
echo "" > /tmp/aap_ptmp
echo "" > /tmp/aap_ptmp3
while true; do
if [ $aap_watchinet -eq 1 ]; then
ping -c 3 $aap_ineturl > /tmp/aap_ptmp2 2> /dev/null
ping -c 3 $(netstat -r | awk '/default/ {print $2}') > /tmp/aap_ptmp2 2> /dev/null
aap_ping=`awk '/packets/ {split($7, z, "%"); print z[1]}' /tmp/aap_ptmp2`
echo $aap_ping_status > /tmp/aap_ptmp3
echo $aap_ping > /tmp/aap_ptmp
sleep $aap_checkfreq
aap_connect() {
aap_channel=`echo "$channel" | awk -F"$(printf '\t')" -v j="$j" '{print $j}'`
aap_bssid=`echo "$bssid" | awk -F"$(printf '\t')" -v j="$j" '{print $j}'`
aap_hidden=`echo "$hidden2" | awk -F"$(printf '\t')" -v j="$j" '{print $j}'`
if [ `grep -ic $aap_bssid /tmp/aap_hlst` = "1" ] && [ $aap_hidden -eq 1 ]; then
aap_ssid=`grep -i $aap_bssid /tmp/aap_hlst | awk -F"$(printf '\t')" '{print $2}'`
aap_ssid=`echo "$ssid" | awk -F"$(printf '\t')" -v j="$j" '{print $j}'`
aap_encryption=`echo "$encryption" | awk -F"$(printf '\t')" -v j="$j" '{print $j}'`
aap_key=`echo "$key" | awk -F"$(printf '\t')" -v j="$j" '{print $j}'`
if [ `grep -ic $aap_bssid /tmp/aap_mlst` = "1" ]; then
aap_fakemac=`grep -i $aap_bssid /tmp/aap_mlst | awk -F"$(printf '\t')" '{print $2}'`
wlanconfig ath0 destroy
macchanger -m $aap_fakemac wifi0
wlanconfig ath0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode sta
wlanconfig ath0 destroy
macchanger -A wifi0
wlanconfig ath0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode sta
uci set wireless.wifi0.channel=$aap_channel
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].ssid="$aap_ssid"
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].bssid=$aap_bssid
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].hidden=$aap_hidden
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].encryption=$aap_encryption
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].key=$aap_key
ifup wan
aap_main() {
while true; do
if [ $aap_apcount -ne 0 ]; then
aap_counter &
echo $aap_counter_pid > /var/run/aap_counter.pid
if [ $aap_logenable -eq 1 ]; then
logger -p user.info -t aap[$(awk '{print $0}' /var/run/aap_main.pid)] "(re-)scan done, $aap_apcount suitable APs found in range, initiating connection attempt(s)"
while [ $j -le $aap_apcount ] && [ $aap_count2 -ne $aap_rescandelay ]; do
aap_count2=`awk '{print $0}' /tmp/aap_ctmp`
while [ -z "$aap_count2" ]; do
sleep 1
aap_count2=`awk '{print $0}' /tmp/aap_ctmp`
sleep $aap_dhcptimeout
aap_check &
echo $aap_check_pid > /var/run/aap_check.pid
sleep 3
aap_ping_status2=`awk '{print $0}' /tmp/aap_ptmp3`
while [ -z "$aap_ping_status2" ]; do
sleep 1
aap_ping_status2=`awk '{print $0}' /tmp/aap_ptmp3`
if [ $aap_ping_status2 -eq 0 ]; then
if [ $aap_logenable -eq 1 ]; then
logger -p user.info -t aap[$(awk '{print $0}' /var/run/aap_main.pid)] "connected to AP $aap_bssid on channel $aap_channel with WAN IP $(ifconfig ath0 | awk '/inet/ {print substr($2,6)}')"
while [ $aap_ping2 -ne 100 ] && [ $aap_count2 -ne $aap_rescandelay ]; do
aap_ping_status2=`awk '{print $0}' /tmp/aap_ptmp3`
while [ -z "$aap_ping_status2" ]; do
sleep 1
aap_ping_status2=`awk '{print $0}' /tmp/aap_ptmp3`
if [ $aap_ping_status2 -eq 0 ]; then
aap_ping2=`awk '{print $0}' /tmp/aap_ptmp`
while [ -z "$aap_ping2" ]; do
sleep 1
aap_ping2=`awk '{print $0}' /tmp/aap_ptmp`
aap_count2=`awk '{print $0}' /tmp/aap_ctmp`
while [ -z "$aap_count2" ]; do
sleep 1
aap_count2=`awk '{print $0}' /tmp/aap_ctmp`
sleep 3
kill $aap_check_pid
if [ $aap_logenable -eq 1 ]; then
if [ $j -le $aap_apcount ] && [ $aap_count2 -ne $aap_rescandelay ]; then
logger -p user.info -t aap[$(awk '{print $0}' /var/run/aap_main.pid)] "connection to AP $aap_bssid failed/skipped, trying next suitable AP"
elif [ $j -gt $aap_apcount ]; then
logger -p user.info -t aap[$(awk '{print $0}' /var/run/aap_main.pid)] "connection to AP $aap_bssid failed/skipped, tried all suitable APs, initiating (re-)scan"
logger -p user.info -t aap[$(awk '{print $0}' /var/run/aap_main.pid)] "(re-)scan delay of $aap_rescandelay seconds reached, initiating (re-)scan"
kill $aap_counter_pid 2> /dev/null
if [ $aap_logenable -eq 1 ]; then
logger -p user.warn -t aap[$(awk '{print $0}' /var/run/aap_main.pid)] "(re-)scan done, no suitable APs found in range, initiating (re-)scan in $aap_warndelay seconds"
sleep $aap_warndelay
aap_start() {
if [ ! -f /var/run/aap_main.pid ]; then
aap_main &
echo $! > /var/run/aap_main.pid
aap_stop() {
kill $(awk '{print $0}' /var/run/aap_counter.pid) $(awk '{print $0}' /var/run/aap_check.pid) $(awk '{print $0}' /var/run/aap_main.pid)
rm -f /var/run/aap_counter.pid /var/run/aap_check.pid /var/run/aap_main.pid
case "$1" in
uci set aap.@aap[0].autostart=1
if [ `grep -c "^/bin/aap start" /etc/rc.local` = "0" ]; then
awk '!/^exit 0/' /etc/rc.local > /tmp/aap_autostart
echo -e "/bin/aap start\nexit 0" >> /tmp/aap_autostart
cp /tmp/aap_autostart /etc/rc.local
uci commit aap
uci set aap.@aap[0].autostart=0
if [ `grep -c "^/bin/aap start" /etc/rc.local` != "0" ]; then
awk '!/^\/bin\/aap start/' /etc/rc.local > /tmp/aap_autostart
cp /tmp/aap_autostart /etc/rc.local
uci commit aap
awk -F"$(printf '\t')" '{printf("%-3i %-32s %-17s %-2i %-4s %s\n",$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6)}' /tmp/aap_rlst
logread | awk '/aap/ {split($0,a,"]: "); split($6,b,"p"); split(b[2],c,":"); print c[1],$3,a[2]}'
echo "100" > /tmp/aap_ptmp
aap_stop > /dev/null 2>&1
aap_start > /dev/null 2>&1
aap_start > /dev/null 2>&1
aap_stop > /dev/null 2>&1
echo -e "\n AAP v3 100813 - (C) 2009, 2010 by orange\n http://piranha.pwnz.org\n\n usage: `basename $0` [enable,disable,list,log,skip,restart,start,stop]\n"
... and the following config to /etc/config/aap
config 'aap'
option 'autostart' '0'
option 'checkfreq' '60'
option 'dhcptimeout' '60'
option 'ineturl' 'www.google.com'
option 'logenable' '1'
option 'prefonly' '0'
option 'rescandelay' '43200'
option 'warndelay' '120'
option 'watchinet' '1'
config '00:11:22:33:44:55'
option 'key' '00010203040506070809101112'
config '00:22:33:44:55:66'
option 'fakemac' '00:33:44:55:66:77'
config '00:44:55:66:77:88'
option 'ssid' 'default'
config '00:55:66:77:88:99'
option 'blst' '1'
Last but not least you need to "opkg install macchanger" as an AAP v3 dependency and configure the /e/c/network and /e/c/wireless as follows ...
root@OpenWrt:~# cat /etc/config/network
# Copyright (C) 2006 OpenWrt.org
config interface loopback
option ifname lo
option proto static
option ipaddr
option netmask
config interface wan
option proto dhcp
config interface lan
option ifname eth0
option proto static
option ipaddr
option netmask
root@OpenWrt:~# cat /etc/config/wireless
config 'wifi-device' 'wifi0'
option 'type' 'atheros'
option 'channel' 'auto'
option 'disabled' '0'
option 'country' '392'
config 'wifi-iface'
option 'device' 'wifi0'
option 'ssid' 'OpenWrt'
option 'encryption' 'none'
option 'network' 'wan'
option 'mode' 'sta'
For configuration questions regarding AAP v3, please read the AAP sections of https://forum.openwrt.org/viewtopic.php … 74#p115174 and https://forum.openwrt.org/viewtopic.php … 82#p115182 respectively.
If something is unclear, please don't hesitate to ask questions. I'll certainly streamline this with the upcoming release of AAP v4, but this is (as said above) my quick fix for you!
(Last edited by orange on 8 Aug 2011, 01:59)
Ok ... I can give that a shot ins fresh Fon.....
Hope everything is OK orange and you can get this project jump started again.
Thanks !
Hope everything is OK orange and you can get this project jump started again.
Thanks !
It is, thanks! Reading your post, I'm actually not sure if you really noticed that you can use AAP v3 RIGHT NOW on your "microredboot EOC-2610P" - Please re-read https://forum.openwrt.org/viewtopic.php … 97#p140797 and notice that default OpenWrt Backfire up to 10.03.1-rc5 is supported by the instructions I posted.
Looking forward to your testing results,
bulanula wrote:Hope everything is OK orange and you can get this project jump started again.
Thanks !
It is, thanks! Reading your post, I'm actually not sure if you really noticed that you can use AAP v3 RIGHT NOW on your "microredboot EOC-2610P" - Please re-read https://forum.openwrt.org/viewtopic.php … 97#p140797 and notice that default OpenWrt Backfire up to 10.03.1-rc5 is supported by the instructions I posted.
Looking forward to your testing results,
Yes I noticed but I don't really have enough time to try it out ATM. Thank you for everything ! Will let you know testing results ASAP as I get some time.
(Last edited by bulanula on 30 Aug 2011, 22:58)
Yes I noticed but I don't really have enough time to try it out ATM. Thank you for everything ! Will let you know testing results ASAP as I get some time.
OK, I'm really looking forward to your testing results. Don't hesitate to ask if you need further assistance.
Sure, just need to get some time for it.
Is it possible to configure per-SSID static IPs with AAP?
Just waiting now for the final OpenWRT version to be released until I try this and build a custom firmware file etc.
Is it possible to configure per-SSID static IPs with AAP?
No, this is not possible.