I have set my WEP configuration according to the FAQ:
# nvram set wl0_wep=on
nvram set wl0_wep_bit=128
nvram set wl00_key1=DEADBEEF12345DEADBEEF12345
After restarting the interface, iwlist shows the key set up:
# iwlist eth1 key
eth1 4 key sizes : 40, 104, 256, 128bits
4 keys available :
[1]: DEAD-BEEF-1234-5DEA-DBEE-F123-45 (104 bits)
Current Transmit Key: [1]
Security mode:restricted
...But if I'm not mistaken, the key that is put in is a Hex key. I need whatever the passphrase, or key, or password or whatever to put into my clients (don't I?) I have WinXP and Apple OSX clients and can't seem to get them to connect.