the borgbox project has cooked up a wireless workbench firmware based on backfire 10.03 and atheros/madwifi (AR231x/5312) driver base.
the borgbox is made for fast prototyping of various wireless configurations, rapide deployment of mesh networks, remote reporting of device and wireless environment, with several methods of internet access (wired, AAP, auto captive portal authentication/bypass - still working on this one, and mesh assimilation)
this firmware has been tested on om1p wireless devices from the open-mesh dot com project.
some of the firmware features:
AAP V3 from Orange -
Mesh network - auto configured and using olsr 0.6 package from openwrt
multi VAP support - configured for up to 16 wireless interfaces (up from default of 4)
auto reporting via email (ssmtp) for remote drone data collection, sysloging, see reports emailed to droid or iwhatever
scripts and aliases - mode switching, configure and set IP based on MAC, configure and set Hostname (olsr updates routing tables with new ip and hostnames)
tools: snort, iftop, iperf, tcptraceroute, olsrdiag, sslsniff, ssmtp, fetchmail, aircrack-ng, aircrack-ptw, autossh, IPv6 kernel support... see package list on site for entire list
we cooked up this firmware and have been testing it for a month or so now. so far so good. I've seen close to 300 unique MAC addies in 2 weeks accross 3 om1p devices. memory and CPU appear to be fine.
we could use some testers and feedback. Ideas and code tips always welcome.
the firmware and more details at:
(Last edited by buddyblah on 3 Nov 2010, 23:13)