OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Adding a "Guest" Wireless Network

The content of this topic has been archived on 21 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I'm trying to configure a guest wireless network (guest SSID should only have access to the Internet) via a second SSID on the wireless 0 interface. I'm running 'OpenWrt Backfire 10.03' with Luci for the GUI interface. I understand I need make some changes with VLANS, but I an a noobie in this area and have come close to locking myself out of the router once with a bad VLAN setup. I'm hoping someone could walk though this using Luci to set it up or if needed provide network config examples and an explanation on the VLAN setup.


Under documentation there's a guide called "Configure a guest WLAN" on how to create a guest wireless network. I do not get it to work on my Asus WL-500gP.

According to the documentation this is what should be added to /etc/config/wireless:

config 'wifi-iface'
        option 'device' '...'
        option 'network' 'guest'
        option 'ssid' 'guest'
        option 'encryption' 'none'

And this to /etc/config/network:

config 'interface' 'guest'
        option 'proto' 'static'
        option 'ipaddr' ''
        option 'netmask' ''

1) what does it mean "option 'device' '...'"?
2) How is the above is interpreted so the wireless guest network gets bound to the eth0 interface?

(Last edited by tamadite on 5 Mar 2011, 23:13)

tamadite wrote:

1) what does it mean "option 'device' '...'"?

This is entered just as your other wireless network is configured, the ... needs to be replaced with your wireless adaptor eg. eth0.1 (for mine)

tamadite wrote:

2) How is the above is interpreted so the wireless guest network gets bound to the eth0 interface?

As above, you need to have this entered.

Create the configuration with the LuCI web GUI and the device options will be filled in with the right value. The value is depending on the wireless chipset you have in your router and the driver.

I think the HowTo ( should also mention the eligible platforms, for instance I do not get it to work on my BCM4704/BCM4318 (Asus WL-500gP). I think this is a known issue on BCM4318 because Broadcom refuses to open the code.

Sad to read...

Multiple SSID on WL-500gP, 10.03.1-rc4, possible yet?

Multiple SSIDs are only possible on the brcm-2.4 variant or on brcm47xx and the proprietary driver. There is no official build with proprietary broadcom so if you want to stick to binaries you have to use brcm-2.4

source: … 79#p126179

I have tried multi-SSID under Backfire (10.03.1-RC5, r27608) for brcm47xx using mac80211 and broadcom but no luck....

(Last edited by tamadite on 23 Jul 2011, 21:44)

For the people like me that might be lost trying to setup multiple SSID on Asus WL-500gP v1....  it can be I'm the only one lost here.... wink

On your Asus WL-500gP v1 you should be able to flash either:

openwrt-brcm-2.4-squashfs.trx (/backfire/10.03.1-rc5/brcm-2.4/)
openwrt-brcm47xx-squashfs.trx (/backfire/10.03.1-rc5/brcm47xx/)

So what's the deal? Well with brcm-2.4 you are on Linux kernel 2.4 whilst with brcm47xxx you are on Linux kernel 2.6. So again, what's the deal? Well, on 2.4 you should be able to create multiple SSID whilst not in brcm47xxx. So what's the point with kernel 2.6? Well, look at this: … 94#p103394

(Last edited by tamadite on 24 Jul 2011, 23:36)

The discussion might have continued from here.