OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Where did adm.o and admcfg go?

The content of this topic has been archived on 1 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I am curious where I can find the source for adm.o and admcfg so I can create an ipkg for RC2 and RC3. That's the only utility that I know of that can configure the ports on the 54G v1.x.

EDIT: I may have found what I need:

Void Main wrote:

I am curious where I can find the source for adm.o and admcfg so I can create an ipkg for RC2 and RC3. That's the only utility that I know of that can configure the ports on the 54G v1.x.

EDIT: I may have found what I need:

Did you manage to compile admcfg for RC4?
Could you give me a short howto to get a working admcfg pkg?
I have a v1.1 and need tagged VLANs on an external port.

No I didn't but it turns out I don't really need it. The only reason I wanted it is because I thought that was my only option for separating my ports into their own VLANS. Turns out the vlan*ports variables work just fine on my v1.1 G routers in RC3.

The discussion might have continued from here.