2) The clock resets to September 2011 after a reboot. I discovered that clicking "Save and Apply" in the System->System tab seems to fix this. Familiar?
Otherwise the Trunk build seems to be working ok. Have you stopped building Backfire I assume?
I am building Backfire if there are any changes. There has been nothing except a minor openssl version bump in the past 4 weeks, so I have not rebuilt Backfire. In general, Backfire is pretty stable (dead) right now. There will perhaps still be a 10.03.2 at some point, but there are almost no changes in the code.
Time has always resetted itself in connection to the reboot when flashing, but after that the time should keep itself ok if the router is soft-rebooted. I just rebooted my 3700v2 (running that newest version) and it kept the date just fine. A hard reboot with complete power-off will probably also reset the date. But ntpclient should automatically pick up the correct time as soon as there is an internet connection and thus access to the current time.
Regarding Luci statistics plugins, my build has never included all the plugins.
No comment to the Wifi A band. My build has the standard Wifi components, so the possible problem should then be pretty generic. (I only have G/N devices.)
(Last edited by hnyman on 14 May 2012, 16:03)