Having just installed an SD card in my whr-g54s:
I followed this guide:
When I boot I either get my card mounting on /tmp/overlay-disabled or not mounting at all when I remove target from /etc/config/fstab.
My fstab reads:
config 'global' 'automount'
option 'from_fstab' '1'
option 'anon_mount' '1'
config 'global' 'autoswap'
option 'from_fstab' '1'
option 'anon_swap' '0'
config 'mount'
# option 'target' '/'
option 'device' '/dev/mmcblk0p1'
option 'fstype' 'ext3'
option 'enabled' '1'
option 'enabled_fsck' '0'
option 'options' 'rw,noatime'
option 'is_rootfs' '1'
config 'swap'
option 'device' '/dev/sda2'
option 'enabled' '0'
I've deleted the md5sums and copied root to the SD card. What is going on here? Do I have to build a custom image. I thought that wasn't required with latest SVN. What am I missing?