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Topic: anybody here have tried svn client on openwrt?

The content of this topic has been archived on 16 Oct 2016. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

i cannot find one such ipk package on the download repository.
anyone could help?

openwrt@devel-env:~/wndr3700$ ./scripts/feeds search -r packages subversion
Search results in feed 'packages':
subversion-client               subversion client tools
subversion-libs                 subversion libs
subversion-server               subversion server

This (subversion) does not seem to exist anymore.
Any good reason not to try to build it myself?
Is there any super-lightweight alternative subversion-client (it is not the server I need on OpenWrt, and not the advanced client features either)?

I zoOok, I managed to compile svn (but for linksys wrt1200ac). are you insterested in the steps?

super_ylam wrote:

I zoOok, I managed to compile svn (but for linksys wrt1200ac). are you insterested in the steps?

I sure am interested.

I am also interested. No hurry, but subversion would be nice.

Looks like the same SVN package from the OpenWRT old_packages git repository. To reactivate the old_packages, add the following line to your feeds.conf file.

src-git old_packages git://

Then, once you run scripts/feeds update old_packages; scripts/feeds install -a -p old_packages to update your OpenWRT, execute make menuconfig and enable the subversion package under Network --> Version Control Systems and then recompile your OpenWRT.

If you don't like to add the old_packages, then either port the subversion package from the old_repository to OpenWRT GitHUB or wait for someone else to do this for you.

OK I am new to openwrt. I was searching on how to compile "feed" package but without luck.... thanks for your info.

arrrr.. another trick that I tested in Barrier Braker 14.07 with my older router:

opkg update

Install the libc:
opkg install … ar71xx.ipk

export URL_1209=""
opkg install $URL_1209/libaprutil_1.3.12-2_ar71xx.ipk
opkg install $URL_1209/subversion-libs_1.6.17-3_ar71xx.ipk
opkg install $URL_1209/subversion-client_1.6.17-3_ar71xx.ipk
opkg install $URL_1209/subversion-server_1.6.17-3_ar71xx.ipk

Unfortunately I have not tested on CC as there is no build for "mvebu"

Subversion packages are now back in the main development trunk. Simply "make menuconfig" and enable Subversion in Network -> Version Control Systems.

The discussion might have continued from here.