Hi guys,
I am not using Open WRT on a router but rather a fiber optics media processor board that uses OPEN WRT for switching. I was able to log into the GUI before using the correct IP address, but messing with the settings, I remember going to LAN options and changing it to BR-LAN. Now I can't get into the web gui anymore. Talking to a tech support at the company who makes this board, he showed me how to login into OPEN-WRT using putty. I am now confused. I am in the directory /etc/config and do not know how to change back to LAN mode instead of BR-LAN mode. Here is a screenshot of where I am stuck. I am not familiar with opening files in linux but it seems like I need to open the network file to change the setting.
root@OpenWrt:/etc/config# ls
dhcp luci_statistics openvpn_recipes tivideo
dropbear network qos ucitrack
firewall ntpclient samba uhttpd
luci openvpn system wireless
When I do cd network, I get an error. I don't believe it's a directory. Any help would be appreciated so I can log into the GUI again.