OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Package added: aircrack

The content of this topic has been archived on 28 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

A new package, aircrack, is available for testing. You can find it in my testing repository.

Thanks to Florian Fainelli for his contribution.

Please report success / failure / comments / problems in this thread. Thanks for your help !

I installed the package, the installation went flawlessly.  I then performed the following commands, but I am puzzled by the results:

wl monitor 1
ifup prism0

I then mounted a network drive at /mnt/main/c and used the following command to start the dump:

cd /mtn/main/c
airodump prism0 test 0 1

I then get a screen that lists the ssids of the various networks and everything looks like it is working.  My problem is that I am only getting 3 networks, if I look my laptop it can see 10 or more.  Also when I look at my laptop it can see my network name.  Shouldn't my network not be visible if the router is in monitor mode?  I am also getting a really low number of data packets and no clients, I am suspecting that something is wrong somewhere.  Any ideas?

Thank you,

Does aireplay actually work?
I own an ASUS WL-500G Deluxe and its NIC was manufactured by broadcom.
Here is a quote from
Injection on Broadcom is not supported because of firmware and/or driver limitations.

As far as I know, that is correct.  Aireplay dos not work for me.


johndoe wrote:

Hi, I am ddwrt user, the aircrack ipk won't work because of error:
can't resolve symbol 'fopen64'

I believe this symbol is from which is not included in ddwrt distro. So I could compile statically or try to get the library. Unfortunately I have no MIPS compiling setup... anyone? thx.

Use OpenWrt, or stop whinning here. We don't care about dd-wrt users, and we never will. Pick your poison and stay with that. Go and cry at the dd-wrt forums, and maybe Brainslayer will copy^Wpackage aircrack, too.

johndoe: there is no competition, openwrt's goal is world domination, as you might have already read many times. smile


When running "airodump prism0 test 0 1" I successfully see anywhere from 8-15 networks in my area, but only 2 files get created:


The test.txt file seems to be a screen shot of the airodump process, but I am not sure what the IVS file is, is it the actual weak IVS packets?  I thought that should go in a .cap file.

If I run "airodump prism0 test 0" without the IVS flag on I do get a .cap file, but it doesn't look like I am getting any IVS packets.

I was under the belief that as soon as you see a non-0 number in your data-column in airodump then you have captured IVS packets and those should be in a cap file.

Also, is there a switch to capture only packets from a specific MAC?  I don't see it documented.

Any ideas? 

Also, is their a Win32 airocrack executable to run on the dump files?  Where can I get it?


(Last edited by bengalih on 3 Jan 2006, 18:20)

Nico wrote:

A new package, aircrack, is available for testing. You can find it in my testing repository.

Anyone knows what happened to this repository?

EDIT: never mind, found the package:

bengalih wrote:

Also, is there a switch to capture only packets from a specific MAC?  I don't see it documented.

No there is not.

bengalih wrote:

Also, is their a Win32 airocrack executable to run on the dump files?  Where can I get it?

Yes there is:


(Last edited by mokum on 9 Jun 2006, 02:08)

Can someone compile a new ipkg of the latest version of aircrack-ng? (0.6.2)

The discussion might have continued from here.