Hi all,
Had to work this out myself yesterday so thought i'd post it, perhaps there's easier ways of doing this too.
There's no space on the root filesystem so everything has to be installed to the USB key.
First up, plug in the USB key to the router. You have to format it on the router to use it (or work out what permissions to change).
1.) In luci, go to system, mount points, add a new device, /dev/sda1 with /mnt/sda with fs ext4 and of course tick run filesystem check on mount.
2.) ssh root@routerip,
3.) mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1 to reformat the USB key to ext4.
2a.) might need to mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda
3.) vi /etc/opkg.conf, we want to be able to install squid to the usb key as there's no space on the root filesystem.
add the following
dest usb /mnt/sda
4.) optionally download the squid and libopenssl packages from trunk here to the usb key in /mnt/sda using wget
syntax: wget "package url"
4.) Install squid: opkg -d usb install squidfilename libopensslfilename
5.) To execute squid type:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:/mnt/sda/usr/lib /mnt/sda/usr/sbin/squid -f /mnt/sda/etc/squid/squid.conf
Essentially, we are telling squid to find the libopenssl library and also the squid config file.
This squid execute will fail because the squid.conf has invalid paths.
For diagnostics append -d 9 and maybe -X
6.) A lot of the path stuff in the squid config is pointing to / as the root directory, we need to use /mnt/sda, there's probably a cleaner way of doing this (define a variable? change a variable) BUT I dunno so just change the following in
http_port 3128 transparent
visible_hostname localhost
# use 3.5GB of the key
cache_dir ufs /mnt/sda/var/cache 3500 16 256
# Optional
maximum_object_size 32 MB
access_log /mnt/sda/var/logs/access.log squid
logfile_daemon /mnt/sda/usr/lib/squid/logfile-daemon
cache_log /mnt/sda/var/logs/cache.log
cache_store_log /mnt/sda/var/logs/store.log
mime_table /mnt/sda/etc/squid/mime.conf
pid_filename /mnt/sda/var/logs/squid.pid
diskd_program /mnt/sda/usr/lib/squid/diskd-daemon
unlinkd_program /mnt/sda/usr/lib/squid/unlinkd
pinger_program /mnt/sda/usr/lib/squid/pinger
icon_directory /mnt/sda/usr/share/squid/icons
pipeline_prefetch on
7.) Initialise squid swap by executing the command at 5.) with -z
8.) Create the /mnt/sda/var/cache folder and /mnt/sda/var/logs folders
9.) Apply permissions to these folders so that squid can use them, I think it's:
chown nobody:nogroup /mnt/sda/var/cache
chown nobody:nogroup /mnt/sda/var/logs
10.) Install the kmod-nat-extra and iptables-nat-extra packages to get iptables REDIRECT (ipt_REDIRECT.ko) kernel module and iptables support, you should have room on your root fs for these.
11.) Once you confirm the cache is working at port 3128 then on the shell type:
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -i br-lan --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 3128
will redirect all port 80 requests transparently to the squid cache at 3128
12.) Add this to your rc.local to get it to work at each bootup
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:/mnt/sda/usr/lib /mnt/sda/usr/sbin/squid -f /mnt/sda/etc/squid/squid.conf
13.) Add this to the firewall.user NOT rc.local
### you can optionally put this in your luci config or firewall.user
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -i br-lan --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 3128
This will now execute on each firewall restart (system bootup).
14.) To see the squid cache working, type "df" to see how much free space is on the usb key and watch it fill up as you visit websites
Notes: Edited Step 12 and split into Step 12/13 as firewall rules need to be in firewall.user
Additional notes on performance:
Speed wise, I used hdparm and the cached reads are 124MB/s, buffered read speed was 23.4MB/s, I wrote 100MB to the key and it took 24s (4.1MB/s). There's apparently a way to double USB write speeds by aligning the partitions correctly with the usb stick memory. Here's the link: http://linux-howto-guide.blogspot.com/2 … speed.html
I haven't got time to work out how to align the sectors properly, i've tried this but didn't see any difference...
fdisk -H 32 -S 8 -cu /dev/sdc
n 1 (create a drive)
x (extended options)
b (move the beginning of the partition) << may need to move it to align with the first 128KB write block. Mine is set to 2048.
mkfs.ext4 -E stripe-width=128 -b 4096 -J size=32 -m 0 -i 8192 /dev/sdc1
Stripe width of 32 apparently increases small file performance.
(Last edited by Z3r0 on 29 Apr 2011, 02:12)