I got one of those ADL router that are WiP on openwrt.
Under ftp://ftp.dlink.de/dsl/dsl-g664t/driver … 040826.tgz one could find the GPLed source of his firmware which could (or couldn't) be usefull in order to help the devel
EDIT: it only contains the GPL sources D-Link use for there firmware
I have also an "old" routeur for fallback in case the d-G664T won't like my first try with openwrt.
Does anyone already have images that work with this router ? I have tried to reach the author of http://op-co.de/openwrt/ about it page without success.
I would also be interested in the ".config" file which is able to create boot image for such a router.
Thank you very much and have a great day !
(Last edited by Gregoire on 20 Oct 2005, 10:21)