OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: 6-port switch VLAN assignement

The content of this topic has been archived on 14 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I've seen browsing thru the NVRAM values that there are two variables,
vlan0ports=1 2 3 4 5*
vlan1ports=0 5
which seem to control VLAN assignement for the 6 port switch.
Is it possible to directly modify this assignement thru some utility or it is done by the booting process, hopefully reading those variables ?

I would like to remove the bridge between WLAN(eth1) and vlan0, put all the ethernet ports into the same VLAN and then setup a firewall  over the now routed WLAN.


I was thinking about an other usage of wan port. I'm working in a mesh network with a complete isolation of LAN network. So user can't see them self. My Idea was to use WAN port as a sort of DMZ port for wireless part.

Every computed connected to WAN are visibles and can provide any service (ftp, http ..) ; LAN connected computers a not accessibles.

I don't know if it is possible. Perhaps with bridge ?

Can one of you smart folks post the appropriate NVRAM settings to allow for 4 seperate VLANs on the 4 LAN ports?  I have played with them and managed to lock myself out of the LAN ports.
I would like to wind up with 6 seperate possible interfaces on the router:  VLAN1-4 on the LAN ports, VLAN0 on the WAN port, and ETH1 for the WIFI port.  I know admconfig will allow this to be dynamically set up in the future, but I'd be happy with having it set up once at boot.


I would like to wind up with 6 seperate possible interfaces on the router:  VLAN1-4 on the LAN ports, VLAN0 on the WAN port, and ETH1 for the WIFI port.

insmod adm.o
admcfg port0 PVID:0 vlan0
admcfg port1 PVID:1 vlan1
admcfg port2 PVID:2 vlan2
admcfg port3 PVID:3 vlan3
admcfg port4 PVID:4 vlan4
vconfig add eth0 0
vconfig add eth0 1
vconfig add eth0 2
vconfig add eth0 3
vconfig add eth0 4

The discussion might have continued from here.