OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: OpenWrt x86 Live CD that saves settings on USB

The content of this topic has been archived on 21 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I patched Backfire 10.03 to boot from a CD and save data to a USB stick on an x86.  I use mini_fo to overlay the USB stick on top of the CD.  I wrote down the details in my blog: … b-support/

A brief summary of the patches:

1.  after booting from CD, /init loop-mount an ext2 image file, and copies files from rootfs to that mount
2.  it then uses switch_root to change root file system to the ext2 image, and start running /etc/preinit.
3.  /etc/preinit runs block-extroot, which mounts the USB stick, creates the ext2-image/USB overlay, and pivot_root to the overlay.

Feedback, comments, suggestions are appreciated.


Interesting !
No binaries ?

Sorry, no binaries, because I don't know what other features should be included.  Also, I don't have anything like a public-accessible FTP account.

I can help or compile something for you if you're having trouble.


The discussion might have continued from here.