How can I edit a file? Do I need ftp or can I do it over telnet? Would like to set up a bridge and need to configure wireless file. if a ftp is needed, how to install ?
Tank u very much
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How can I edit a file? Do I need ftp or can I do it over telnet? Would like to set up a bridge and need to configure wireless file. if a ftp is needed, how to install ?
Tank u very much
Isn't ssh a choice? From Linux simply type ssh root@your.router.ip and use your favorite text editor (vi is installed by default). If you run Windows as your main OS then consider installing PuTTY (an ssh client) or Cygwin (*nix like environment)
Thank you a lot for your response. Could login via PuTTY, but can't see anything on the router. ls -a leads to nothing. (.. .). Whats is meant by Vi? I will give Cygwin a try.
telnet goes well, can see all folders, when chaning password an changing to ssh, everything disappears? Installed Kamikaze Brodcam 2.4 on wrt54gl.
ok, found out solution by myself. how to: change password my typing passwd. then login with putty. the type uname -a folders appears. For changing files use winscp (, chosse scp as protocoll; works great
telnet goes well, can see all folders, when chaning password an changing to ssh, everything disappears? Installed Kamikaze Brodcam 2.4 on wrt54gl.
Everything does not disappear. When you SSH, you're dropped into root's home folder (/root) which is empty. You just need to change directories.
(Last edited by aport on 29 Jun 2011, 18:48)
telnet goes well, can see all folders, when chaning password an changing to ssh, everything disappears? Installed Kamikaze Brodcam 2.4 on wrt54gl.
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(Last edited by Schluter on 13 Jul 2011, 10:13)
Thank you a lot for your response. Could login via PuTTY, but can't see anything on the router. ls -a leads to nothing. (.. .). Whats is meant by Vi? I will give Cygwin a try.
Because you login to the root directory and this is emtpy ;-) lol
Try pwd (print working directory) and then cd /etc
The discussion might have continued from here.